All good thoughts, thanks folks.
I suppose one of the big worries I always have is accessibility, though. That's why I like to do things in tiers in alphas. I can't stop all the core fans from jumping on a beta day one, and so if I want first impressions of accessibility it has to be during alpha. And right now there is NO tutorial at all, although I think the UI and tooltips are clear enough hat only matters somewhat.
And... well... If you've been following the game closely you probably don't need a tutorial based on how much I've written about it. So my pool of testers is probably poisoned in terms of that form of first impression anyhow.
Coming up with a tutorial is always tricky. For AI War, I actually used it on my mom and sister, who are not really gamers, and watched to see what they struggled with. The rest was just intuition of what players would find confusing, and then belated additions to the tutorial after 1.0 came out and I got feedback from a wider audience.
Here there are probably various spouses and so on that can be used again, but that's such a small pool. Ah well -- the curse of being open with the game early to players. Potentially alpha testers can rope in THEIR friends and family for 30 minutes to see where the sticking points are, once the tutorial is in place. If we can't get someone having fun in 5 minutes here, we're doing it wrong. If they don't have some measure of (misplaced, from an advanced standpoint) confidence without 30 minutes, we're still doing it wrong.