Definitely cant wait to try that out! Trying to finish up my current game before that update shows up... Amazing just how fast the balance can shift in this. That sorta thing wasnt happening to me too much at all before these recent updates, but... that's definitely changed. Here I'd thought the Greeks and their army of super-buffed rapid-fire doom towers were going to wipe out the Norse, yet 10 turns later and those are all dead and the Norse are on a crazed rampage. Siegfried's sudden presence then made that even worse. Hadnt run into him before, surprised at just how nasty he is; ate a whole town by himself.
Also, while trying to defend against all of that, I stumbled upon a rather strange bug (or at least I'm pretty sure it's a bug) with the Chair of Forgetfulness: included a save with that one, so hopefully that helps.