Author Topic: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points  (Read 14229 times)

Offline Winge

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #60 on: May 06, 2013, 04:35:20 pm »
I would be fine with either the Victory Point system or the previous score system--we should have one of them, but I'm ambivalent as to which one.  As for balancing with different numbers of turns, I agree with the person who suggested making VPs scale based on the number of turns.

One more VP suggestion:  killing off Gods.  Add in a bonus if you kill all 4.  Gods are extremely good at preventing total genocide; removing them immediately causes a major risk increase to one faction.  Especially considering what you have to do in order to actually kill them.  And nobody said we had to LIKE our underlings  ;)
My other bonus ship is a TARDIS.

Offline Hearteater

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #61 on: May 06, 2013, 04:35:44 pm »
The differences were exactly what I described.  They are subtle differences, but they have a significant impact on how a game plays.  I was very careful in my description.  This may simple be a case where you need to experience the difference yourself to truly understand it.  There is quite a lot in game design that needs to be experienced to really understand.  Paper can be difficult to translate mentally into practice.

Offline Pepisolo

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #62 on: May 06, 2013, 04:47:31 pm »
The differences were exactly what I described.

Eh? In your original post, which is the one to which I was obviously referring, you made basically one point -- the fact that there was a victory condition -- and said "That's the difference". Obviously that wasn't the only difference as I subsequently managed to coax some thoughts out of you on with my next post. But you can't take your subsequent post and then time-travel append it to your original one.

But, hey, thanks for the extra information. It definitely helps to appreciate that there are some other differences which I was seeking more clarification on.

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #63 on: May 06, 2013, 04:58:02 pm »

As for balancing with different numbers of turns, I agree with the person who suggested making VPs scale based on the number of turns.

Again, I haven't actually played the game, so I don't know the details of how things work and it's going to show a little in this post.

The problem with making VP requirements proportional to tpr is that getting VP's is probably a nonlinear process you're trying to model by scaling linearly.  E.g. if your game is 50 rounds, you get 2000 turns on 40 tpr, but 500 turns on 10 tpr.  The 40 tpr game has a lot more room for more towns to be founded, towns to grow bigger, a favorable combination of random factors to surface, etc.  Which might all translate into not just higher VP scores, but more effective VP generation (more VP's per round).  Exactly how much easier it gets to generate VP might depend on which things you have access to, which means it might need per-mission tweaking.  And it might also depend on exactly how high you set TPR, which means you might need a different tweak factor for every possible TPR setting.  Allowing the same mission to last for different amounts of time (as observed by the game's inhabitants) quickly starts to get into the realm of extensive playtest-driven manual balancing by the developers, the very thing they've said that they very much want to avoid.

I have a better idea:  Just make the total number of turns in a game be a constant, not the number of rounds.  So a particular mission has 1000 turns.  If you play with 40 turns per round, the game will be 25 rounds.  If you play with 20 TPR, the game will be 50 rounds.

Since the total amount of time in the game is constant, the amount of stuff you can accomplish in the game is roughly constant as well, so the same player should be able to earn about the same amount of VP on each TPR setting.  This works better for balancing when more things run on a turn-based schedule instead of a round-based schedule.  E.g. if your god gains a token every round, then playing the game at 10 TPR will result in the player getting 4 times as many tokens in the course of a game as 40 TPR -- which will make it a lot easier to get VP by using tokens.  You could avoid this by putting the tokens on a turn-based rather than round-based timescale; if your god gains a token every 40 turns, then the 10 TPR and 40 TPR players are on equal footing.

The balance might still need some tweaking for different TPR values, though.  E.g. if "X turns per round" means essentially Red pieces get to perform X actions, then Blue pieces get to perform X actions (again, I haven't played the game so I'm not sure about this), it might be the case that having 40 TPR makes it a lot easier for Blue to rebuild after a serious attack by Red, since they'll have 40 turns during which Red pieces can't move or attack, whereas on 5 TPR, Blue only has 5 turns to rebuild before Red renews the assault.  If the higher TPR makes it less dangerous for Blue to nearly die, VP thresholds might need some adjustment to compensate.  The tweak is probably minimal, though:  E.g. "you need 1.25x VP on 40 TPR, you need 1.5x VP on 80 TPR, and going to 5 TPR you only need .8x VP"  But you surely need playtesting to figure out what these numbers are, or if they're even necessary.

Offline Shumbok

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #64 on: May 06, 2013, 05:44:33 pm »
I like the Idea. There is always this "ok it works pretty fine at the moment, should i just wait until end or build something new right now"-Feeling.
Some more motivation to aim at a large living world with many towns and  mythologic influences would not only  help to get some more building motivation but also it will lead to more fatal/problematic situations (wich are the funniest part of this game).

Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2013, 06:41:49 pm »

Well, for one thing, it's a LOT easier to balance. We don't have to try to figure out things like "well, is this unit worth more than that other unit?" Since individual units won't be directly scoring.

So the core was that scoring was not as implied not fun and opaque in the notes, but rather hard to balance?

Because somehow these VP's sound even less fun and opaque. There are both less ways to get them and they are now necessary.

For example god tokens- The goal may be that they are meant to cause chaos. In practice? I'll be hunting ways to isolate them so they do not cause chaos. See the disconnect? Not fun.

I am not a part of the alpha, so perhaps my opinion does not reflect the state of the game. HOWEVER, i do think that any and all of us on the forum have a voice in 'if' and 'how' this is approached. Granted Arcen has the right to build the game they choose. But the players have a right to let Arcen know if they feel it is what the players 'want'.


I Like the idea of VP's in the same manner as the previous point system, in that it lets me see how i did this time versus the last game i played... did i do better or worse?

But i disagree 'STRONGLY' with the 'they are not optional' thing. If you want to make it interesting, or side-step points for whatever reason, then fine, but don't make me 'have' to use the VP's if i don't want to.

In AI War the optional expansions allow me, if i choose as a player to add complexity, or diversity, or more or this or that if i want. In none of the games do i have to have each and every DLC turned on or I can't play. Forcing players to do so, i think will only antagonize them. That is only my opinion.

Anyway, that is my two cents, the other forumers and Arcen are free to think and do as you see fit and  i really think the game looks interesting, so i won't hold my breath and turn blue and tell you its points or nothing!  :)  But I will say that i probably will get the game regardless. I just wish i had a 'choice' rather than a requirement in how to play the game. Thats all.


Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #66 on: May 06, 2013, 07:22:15 pm »

In that case, why are VP's necessary to win?

I would making a similar stink right now if scoring was necessary as well. Making it necessary is just a band aid for other issues, otherwise it wouldn't need to be necessary to win.

I don't see what's wrong with making victory conditions (which VP is) "necessary to win", that's what a victory condition is by definition. VP is just a way to represent relative value of various conditions. The game could say "here is a list of 100 objectives, you need to complete any 20 of them to win the game." But now, you can give different values to objectives to represent the variation of their difficulties.

What alternative would you propose?

I thought that the edicts and the difficulty level and the propositions were going to give me what i needed to have to win or lose the game? Now you are telling me i have to have xx VP's and all the other things have no relevance now?

I don't quite get this.

I personally think this whole thing is getting a little out of hand, both probably for Arcen and i know at least for me as a player.

Sometimes i think it is the 'drastic' changes that damage the games chances. Of course i am not a gaming economist so that is just my amateur opinion.

But i do know this 'changing stuff up' has happened to several games. How that affected their chances only God knows, but i do know that i am rather sick of all of it. I think next game i will sit out and off the forums while everyone does their thing and then check out the game when it hits the shelves. Digitally speaking...

Anyway, i think i will sit this out and wait to see how it looks later. Sorry to sound this way, it just seems like a massive tug-of-war when Arcen's games get to this point between the players, and the studio. I wish there were some other way to go about this. Maybe if Arcen made their game and then released it without all this alpha/beta tell us what you think sort of thing.

Anyway, i'm blabbing too much, see you when the game goes 1.0, take care and sorry if i sound all bent, i'm not, well... not completely... i just really get all depressed with the back and forth and think i'll feel much better if i just avoid all this 'keep this/remove this!' kind of stuff.

Take care and happy monday!  :)


Offline Misery

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #67 on: May 06, 2013, 07:30:01 pm »

Well, for one thing, it's a LOT easier to balance. We don't have to try to figure out things like "well, is this unit worth more than that other unit?" Since individual units won't be directly scoring.

So the core was that scoring was not as implied not fun and opaque in the notes, but rather hard to balance?

Because somehow these VP's sound even less fun and opaque. There are both less ways to get them and they are now necessary.

For example god tokens- The goal may be that they are meant to cause chaos. In practice? I'll be hunting ways to isolate them so they do not cause chaos. See the disconnect? Not fun.

I am not a part of the alpha, so perhaps my opinion does not reflect the state of the game. HOWEVER, i do think that any and all of us on the forum have a voice in 'if' and 'how' this is approached. Granted Arcen has the right to build the game they choose. But the players have a right to let Arcen know if they feel it is what the players 'want'.


I Like the idea of VP's in the same manner as the previous point system, in that it lets me see how i did this time versus the last game i played... did i do better or worse?

But i disagree 'STRONGLY' with the 'they are not optional' thing. If you want to make it interesting, or side-step points for whatever reason, then fine, but don't make me 'have' to use the VP's if i don't want to.

In AI War the optional expansions allow me, if i choose as a player to add complexity, or diversity, or more or this or that if i want. In none of the games do i have to have each and every DLC turned on or I can't play. Forcing players to do so, i think will only antagonize them. That is only my opinion.

Anyway, that is my two cents, the other forumers and Arcen are free to think and do as you see fit and  i really think the game looks interesting, so i won't hold my breath and turn blue and tell you its points or nothing!  :)  But I will say that i probably will get the game regardless. I just wish i had a 'choice' rather than a requirement in how to play the game. Thats all.


The reason, as I understand it, that the VP thing WONT be optional is simple:  It will be THE cause of the central challenge of the game.    Obvoiusly the bandits and RNG and wacky AI of your guys is part of the challenge, but it's not the MAIN part.  It's more meant to go alongside other mechanics.    It's like in Dwarf Fortress:   Part of the challenge of the game is that you cant directly control anyone, and have to rely on the AI of each dwarf, and their various whims and interests and emotions and yada yada yada.   BUT.   This, in and of itself, is actually NOT enough to provide the player with difficulty/challenge/tough situations.   It HAS to go alongside other things.   If you just sit there and dont actually do much, sure, the AI will do SOME things that are a bit loopy and require your attention, but not that many.   Instead how it works is, the player decides "Ok, I'm going to work on THIS project/goal right now", and in the process of taking tons of actions to accomplish this, the player is engaging the AI to do stuff more and more;  and the more this happens, the more risk there is of something really damn loopy happening.   The key there though is that the AI's goofiness *and* the player's own actions and choices have to both work TOGETHER to create the situations that make the game what it is.

If the VPs were not there, and the game was just "A: survive.  B: follow current edict rule", what would happen is this:   The player starts, right, and starts out building up each side.  Mostly, almost entirely, this would be done by structure placement.  The red and blue guys would get almost the exact same structures in the exact same numbers.   Basically, one mimicking the other.   Players would do this because it is "balanced".  Oh, there'd be bandits and some RNG wackiness and AI goofiness, but that's not too difficult to deal with on it's own.   So, one side mimicking the other.... with a little bit of constant tweaking (rather minor tweaking) as you continue to build up both sides mostly via structures and placement.   Using things like mythical creatures, or god tokens, or taking actions that ARE NOT balanced?  Wont happen.  Not without encouragement.  A huge amount of the game's content will go untouched without encouragement/reason, and this also means that a huge amount of the game's STRATEGY will go unseen by the player.

I'll give an example here:

In my last game session, I was testing things, right, and I figured, ok, let's test out this Singasteinn gizmo that the red guys have.   The Singasteinn takes a big blob of bacon to create (???), and it's effect reads:  "Grants the first five humans to claim it the ability to attack multiple times per turn, as well as keeping them from taking damage in return when they are the one striking an opponent.   Can be used 5 times total."  It's a bloody powerful, unpredictable item (as most such things in this game are).   In my test, what I did was, I figured, OK, the red guys are the ones using this, and they'll be the ones recieving it's effects.   So I'm going to build the blue guys up for a few turns, give them an advantage, so that things will balance out when I actually use the item on the red guy, and I dont risk everything going horribly, horribly wrong.

So, I did this.   I built up the blue guys for awhile, and forced the red guys to stagnate a bit.   When things were where I wanted them.... I dropped the Singasteinn.  I dropped this in such a place where I was sure that 5 red guys would grab it and gain it's power, and then they'd go up against the now-more-powerful blue guys, and I'd get to see exactly what happens and watch for bugs and so on.

Yeah, well, that's not how it went.

What ACTUALLY happened:   1 red guy grabs it.   Being dumber than a sack of hammers, he DOES NOT proceed to use it's effects on various blue guys that were within his rather long reach.  He instead.... attacks some pigs.   Next, a couple of other red guys that were in the area, well.... they decide that wandering off like morons is the best damn idea EVER, so they do this.  THREE blue guys, instead, manage to grab the thing.  Hoboy.  2 normal human units, and 1 nasty already-increased-in-level siege unit.   In other words, the already much stronger team just got a BIG boost..... the OPPOSITE of what I planned for.   Got worse than that though:  The 5th and final unit to grab this was a damn bandit that came out of bloody nowhere, a powerful siege unit.  It grabbed the thing and almost instantly annihilated/captured 2 or 3 red buildings nearby, before I had the chance to do anything.

So, suddenly.... my plans had gone wrong.   I had taken a risk, by placing/using the Singasteinn, and despite that I'd PLANNED for it, the AI and RNG thwarted my plan.  And because it's such a powerful, risky item, it had a powerful UNbalancing effect.... now, I was in a situation where I needed to use strategy to get OUT of that situation.... or the blue guys were going to hit a point at which they would begin to snowball, getting enough advantage over the reds that it makes it super easy for them to get EVEN MORE advantage, and so on.

This all.... was very interesting, challenging, and fun to deal with.  The game really shows it's potential when stuff like this is going on.   And it didn't happen because the RNG decided "Here now this big horrible event is going to happen" like in some Roguelike.  No.... it happened because *I* chose to do something risky and balance-warping.  Just like how the game is designed to work.

But.... this was in a testing situation.   That was the logic for using the Singasteinn.   In a totally normal, non testing game, with the basic rules of "A: survive, B: follow basic edict".... WHY, exactly, would the player ever use the Singasteinn?   What is it's use there?   The answer is simple:  They WOULDNT.   It's too strong, too balance-shifting, too risky.  Even when you THINK you prepare for it, stuff CAN go wrong, and since it's so powerful, when stuff goes wrong in relation to it, it goes wrong HARD.  Players, as a rule, wont do things like this on purpose without a bloody good reason.  This behavior can be seen in pretty much any game.   There needs to be constant encouragement and reason to take the big risks, use the big powers that screw things up, do things outside of the norm of "maintain balance".   The VP system is meant to provide these reasons, to get the player to do things that bring out the intended game mechanics/effects to their full potential.   Without such a system in place.... things get dull fast.   Really fast.    THAT is why it needs to be there, and is why it's not totally optional.

That being said though, it's STILL a very open-ended system.   By it's design, you have TONS of routes you can take to get those VPs.  They're all risky, sure, but you can decide on which ones you want to go after based on the current situation and your current plans.... which is exactly how a strategy game should work.  And when things get loopy (and they will) as a result of going after them, you use more strategy and more tactics to get out of it.

You might even get a situation where it's like, OK, I did this risky thing to get some VPs, and it's screwed stuff up pretty badly.   But wait!  Maybe if I use this powerful god token on the now-weak guys.... and then do THIS and THIS over here, it just might get the balance back up, AND I might get even more VPs from using the token.   It's risky as well and could push things even further down the drain, but if it works, it's worth lots of VP and will be awesome!   

And that type of situation sounds just excellent to me.   I'd love to see that sort of thing pop up.   

I forgot what else I was going to say.   I wonder if I'm making any sense here.

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #68 on: May 06, 2013, 07:38:11 pm »
If VPs were a core.mechanic at thw beginning,  and not seem to be such a drastic last minutebaddition id put.more faith in it being not a band aid.
Life is short. Have fun.

Offline Mick

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #69 on: May 06, 2013, 07:38:29 pm »
...   I wonder if I'm making any sense here.

I think you are making perfect sense.

Offline Misery

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #70 on: May 06, 2013, 07:49:29 pm »
If VPs were a core.mechanic at thw beginning,  and not seem to be such a drastic last minutebaddition id put.more faith in it being not a band aid.

If we were talking about a big, big developer under a big, big publisher.... I'd agree with you.

This is what I love about indie devs though:  They can get ideas like this, that sometimes come from the community that they're actually bothering to interact with, and can VERY QUICKLY get it into the game and get to testing/tweaking it.   It's not just Arcen that does this.... I've watched plenty of other indie devs do this during alphas/betas, and honestly, it works out well pretty darn often.   The developer knows what they really want out of the game, and they're not going to choose such and such idea to go in if it doesnt go with the ideas/concepts that the game is designed around.  I'm going to guess that there's probably already been alot of behind-the-scenes talk about this one, and decision-making and all of that.   It wouldnt be added if it couldnt honestly fit with the current design model.  And it's not THAT much different from the original concept, which did in fact include a mechanic (scoring) designed to push the player towards doing risky stuff.  The game was designed around SOMETHING of that nature being there;  it's just that the "something" has changed a bit in such a way that it should now work better (without altering the design of the various other gameplay mechanics).

Offline Oralordos

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #71 on: May 06, 2013, 08:58:29 pm »
I think that having something that gives a reason to do crazy stuff is important. If points are not going to be there, than VP is a good alternative. Just make sure to put in plenty of ones that cause massive unbalances between the sides.

Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #72 on: May 06, 2013, 08:59:55 pm »
                    Thanks for taking the time and the effort to explain. You make sense when you put things like that. Maybe I'm just not to good at sorting out what all of this means when i read the posts and it all seems like push and shove sort of stuff. Anyway, wanted to say THank You.


Offline Pepisolo

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #73 on: May 06, 2013, 09:08:57 pm »
It's like in Dwarf Fortress: Part of the challenge of the game is that you cant directly control anyone, and have to rely on the AI of each dwarf, and their various whims and interests and emotions and yada yada yada.   BUT.   This, in and of itself, is actually NOT enough to provide the player with difficulty/challenge/tough situations.

Admittedly, it's been a long time since I played DF -- used to play in the 2D days -- but DF surely does rely mostly on randomness of the game world. Yeah, you can choose a different starting location and equipment, but that's about it as I recall. There isn't a double layer (Edicts and VPs) of things that you need to do in order to win, or in order to strong-arm the player into unbalancing the game so that it can then become fun.

"It HAS to go alongside other things.   If you just sit there and dont actually do much, sure, the AI will do SOME things that are a bit loopy and require your attention, but not that many. "

This may apply to this game, and how it currently plays, but not DF, I don't think. If you sit there, your dwarves will die, if you try to get them to thrive, fun and chaos always follows. In an ideal world this game would be similar I think.

I think the main problem with Skyward Collapse is that it's just not unpredictable enough. Last game finished I spammed through it in about 45 minutes, doing the odd tweak here or there. The VP or scoreboard system would help with this, of course, as Misery points out, but it would still feel a bit artificial -- the strong-arm tactics of the VP system especially.

This game would be so much better if more random stuff happened so that you naturally had to make those hard decisions on whether to play one of your more powerful tokens or go for some more high risk strategies. For example, let's say that one of the villagers accidentally (oops) summoned a Minotaur -- yes, silly idea, but it's late -- then you'd have to force the blue side to hastily prepare some kind of defence, potentially unbalancing things in the long run. Or some kind of rebel uprising breaks out etc. Lots more random events like this keeping you on your toes.

The more I think about it, the more I think that this game is deeply flawed at the moment, and that using the VP or Scoreboard system in order to force those unbalances needed in order to make the game fun highlights that.

For this game to succeed it needs be fun without a VP system or a scoreboard or even Edicts, I think. At the moment, I just don't think it is that much fun -- yes, I know it's an early alpha, but we can't automatically assume that it'll get a lot better, especially if, as I think, the current gameplay is fundamentally flawed. 

Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Player Feedback requested - Victory Points
« Reply #74 on: May 06, 2013, 09:25:46 pm »
Ok, I;m supposed to be asleep now, but had a thought and had to write it down, i probably sound crazy and i apologize for that, but the thing is :

I thought that EDICTS were what determined if i won or not?

First game edict says: have 10 soldiers survive for 5 turns, if i drop below ten, then i lose that one, and have to take an alternate to still stay in the running to win the game.

First game, Second edict: kill one of the gods. Well... lost half of my troops and half my town, but did it! Ok, i;m cool for the second edict.

Ok, so what happens in the second game? Anything, and completely different, so each game is totally different, and that is totally cool!

So.... now this VP system takes away my achieving the edicts or not and says i need 50 points?
For my first game i need 50 points, regardless of what i do?
Second game i need 50 points, regardless of what happens?
Third game i need 50 points, regardless of what the edicts are or the propositions, or whatever, right?

If this is how it is, then this definately sounds way not cooler than it sounded before and that is a shame. :(

I;m probably ranting and don't understand, but i definately thought each game was going to need different things to win, a different set of circumstances and different things... each game would be, you know.... different! 

But now this VP thing is like you need 50 points!
That doesn't seem as unique and interesting and different as i thought, and it makes every game the same as the one before. WHich is way not what i thought this was going to be.

I;m probably wrong, but this is what it seems like.
