Hello all!
Finally I got the game when it came out on Steam yesterday. I have followed it quite closely on the forums the last weeks, but did not have much time on my hands, so I did not sign up for Alpha.
Anyway, after I completely screwed up the Tutorial and barely made it into the Age of Monsters before dying (trying to fix an unbalance and screwed up so badly that it spun out of control in the other direction) I started a game on "Easy" and found it actually a lot easier than the Tutorial, because I did not have to place myths in the setup round.
Also the way the units tend to "one-shot" on the lower difficulties was not making my life easier, on the contrary: There was one blue ranged unit standing on the edge of the red town and whenever a military unit was produced it was shot down in the same turn.
A few suggestions from my side that could help improve the game:
- It has been suggested elsewhere: Show the number of raw material producing buildings you have for the current faction. This could easily be part of the tooltip of the raw resource on the right hand side. Right now it shows the amount produced last turn (and what was spent), but this is not the same, since there are these "limitied time only producing" things. The tooltip of the town center could also give a rundown of the buildings in this town.
- In the same vein: One problem I had after building up a few towns and getting the economy going: Once the carnage starts, things might get a little confusing. Sometimes buildings are destroyed that might be vital for a town. In the round directly after the kill it is possible to see WHAT has been destroyed by hovering over the combat message, but if you miss it you have no chance in later rounds. Suggestion: The tooltip for building ruins could show what building it was.
- This one may be harder to do: It would be great if one could see if a building is a raw material producer, a finished goods producer or a military building at a glance without the need to learn to tell apart the individual buildings. This might come after a while of playing, but for a newbie this added to the sense of confusion.
That's it for the moment. I have been playing only a few hours, but I had a really, really great time and I can see that I will spend a lot of time with this baby. Very well done! Thanks for this gem, I hope many people will be getting it.