When deciding on a new game to buy, especially for titles that aren't part of an existing series, I check out the game on Youtube.
The commentary and impressions of the person playing the game do play a role in my decision, but more important is the raw gameplay footage. Trailers and the like don't really suffice, because they tend to show only the most exciting moments of the game, whereas what I most want to know is how I'll be spending most of my time in-game.
Recruiting people with huge followings to post videos obviously has great marketing value (especially if you think there's a decent chance the poster will give a good review). But just having videos out there also has some value, to help people like me who have heard of the game, but aren't quite willing to commit to buying it until they learn more. So if Misery or other people on this forum, or even Arcen staff, wants to post gameplay videos, with or without commentary, you absolutely should do it, because it's somewhat helpful (although maybe not quite as high-impact as a glowing review from an LPer with tons of followers).