very quick here, reactive balance, as interesting as it sounds, and it does sound good, and as many problems as it may solve... in my opinion it just makes every game the same. We have a condition that doesn't change, yes it is dynamic and different in the sense of chaos that is coming from different pieces or woes, but it is the same in that each game builds to this climax that is the same, game after game after game.
Right now that is not the case, each game is different and the ending and the situations are all different.
If there were a choose-able condition, similar to edicts, but not edicts, call it 'restrictions' instead, where the player chooses to play a game, say without mythologicals... and was able to pull off a win doing it. Or only using level one units... and was able to pull it off... or not placing any mountains or lakes... and was still able to win... then each game would be different and each condition to win would stress a different approach by the player. And in many instances the player would try... and lose. On easy settings, on hard, on cruelly hard, on impossible... But each case there would be the possibility to win. With the variability of woes and other random events, ie the behaviour of the units, each game would be unique and should be able to prevent duplication of a exploit due to those variables. Or if not exactly right now, the units might be tweaked to allow for more random behaviour in those units to induce that variation.
That is my two cents, I like having variety, and i like having to do different things to win.
I know that Misery proposes that Reactive Balance is more chaos instead of less, which is probably true, however, having the game ramp up to more chaos in the same way, or close to the same way that AI War does makes this game the same in the sense that every game will have this mass chaos and the player will be pitted against it, or skate past the chaos by avoiding certain conditions for every game.
What i propose is something that will make each game different, with different tactics and different strategies that would be required to win. It would be similar to edicts, perhaps what edicts should have been, but instead of doing something for 5 turns, or killing 50 red guys, or whatever edicts was before, we would insert 'restrictions' on those items available to us in game and see how well we can hold our own then. I guarantee it will get rough.
I call them 'restrictions', because basically it means playing the game with one of my hands tied behind my back, or sometimes even both hands.
Here is a list, tentatively, that we could start with, realizing that playing this way means that each end condition is different and requires a different approach or strategy by the player, and it also makes it difficult as heck to cheese.
I think these should be choose-able by the player, and if the player can go 90 turns and meet their score requirement and meet the end condition, then they win.
End Game Restrictions List -
1. Play with No Mythologicals in the game.
2. Play with only level 1 units.
3. Play without placing any mountains or lakes.
4. Play with 50% less Red units (including the 2 weakest Mythologicals)
5. Play with 50% less Blue units (including the 2 strongest Mythologicals)
6. Play with Double the frequency of Woes.
7. Play with Half resources.
8. Play with No Siege units.
9. Play with Only Siege units, (no human soldiers, archers, myths, etc...)
10. Play with Myths only.
11. Play with melee units only.
12. Play with ranged units only.
13. Play with no God powers.
14. Play with only God powers, (meaning no soldiers, myths, direct actions, land tile placement)
15. Play with no direct actions, (no increase level, no smite, no resource drops or bldg repair, or commandments)
16. Play with only direct actions, (meaning no soldiers, myths, direct actions, land tile placement)
17. Play with Twice as much Red/Blue army units (with twice as many units it may get closer to solving issues, but it may also cause twice as much chaos trying to deal with that many units.
18. Play with no Smite. (I have to live with what i place or what the game places, or replace tiles)
19. With Smite only, (meaning no soldiers, myths, direct actions, land tile placement). Tough huh?
20. Play with 100% more Bandits.
21. Play with 100% more Bandits and Yellow Myths.
22. Play with 200% more Bandits and Yellow Myths.
23. Play with 300% more Bandits and Yellow Myths.
24. Play with 400% more Bandits and Yellow Myths.
25. Play with 500% more Bandits and Yellow Myths. (Am i being kicked or what?)
26. Play with only 25% resources available.
27. Play with only 10% resources available.
28. Play with less than 10% resources available. (Can i pull off a win, or do i keep losing?)
29. Play with ramped up 200% age of man, 300% age of monsters, 400% age of gods Reds.
30. Play with ramped up 200% age of man, 300% age of monsters, 400% age of gods Blues.
31. Play with ramped up 200% age of man, 300% age of monsters, 400% age of gods Reds and Blues.
32. Play with No player placed land tiles.
33. Play with 50% chance of (turn yellow) God Powers. (half the time they are fine, half their bandits)
34. Play with 50% chance of (turn yellow) Myths.
35. Play with 50% chance of (turn yellow) Red units.
36. Play with 50% chance of (turn yellow) Blue units.
37. Play with 50% less points multiplier. (Is it easy to make my score now, or do i have to sweat?)
38. Play with 50% less wood and iron (buildings).
39. Play with 50% less incense, diamonds and clay. (playable but restricted myths)
40. Play with tiles that have become destroyed, or turned into ruins by the loss of a unit or building at that location. Making that tile become impassable. Making the tiles impassable forces all units to find new paths around the impassable tiles. It also slows units on their way to where ever they are going, it also slows or prevents re-enforcements to areas that may be farther away, or completely cut off. It may cut off units and or town centers, in effect causing me to lose (possibly).
So, that is my take on what edicts perhaps should have been, rough stuff that isn't easy and gives us variety and different winning conditions that require new approaches, strategies and is different every time i play a new game and try a new 'restriction'.
Thank you for listening,