Buildings pop up on their own, and each building type has a positive and a negative side, which is determined by the RNG.
What if the Tavern and Constabulary are negative, then there is barfights and yelling in the street and that negativity starts a chain reaction with the Noble and Peasant house next door that were positive and pleasant, but are now going negative. So instead of gaining Civilian Score Points, I'm losing Civilian Score Points and getting further and further from my goal. So negative buildings infect other buildings making them negative also and so that needs to be countered by booning them.
So I boon (boons offset negatives and curses offset the positives) the Peasant and the Noble to get them back to a positive state and start producing positive points again. And then Boon the Tavern and Constabulary to get them to a positive state as well.
That's... really interesting, actually. I don't know that I would do this as a binary "positive or negative" state on the buildings, but having them have a sliding scale of negativity and positivity that proximity-affects nearby buildings is... well, rather brilliant. Holy smokes I like that. If that were the model, then having all the buildings start in a neutral state, and be directly-placeable by players, would probably be the best thing. Maybe.
But lets say, instead of getting over a number to win, we have to have THE exact number to win, or within some reasonable range, say within 25 points? Or withing 10? Whatever works out to seem workable. So our score is 10,000. And so anything less is not a win, and if i go over, well, that is also considered not a win. So i have to keep balancing things, sometimes booning to get a positive or increase in points, but not too many, so sometimes i have to curse things to get points to come off if i'm over and trying to get back down to my goal number.
Hah! Basically like a trick-taking card game. I actually really like that, because clearly you are not just working for the benfit of mankind. You're trying to, once again, achieve balance. So if you overshoot your goal, you have to start moving back in the other direction. I'm not sure that I would want for the hamlets to be completely score-based in terms of how their secondary condition is met. That seems a bit anticlimactic. But if it is, then having it work like this would be the most interesting thing.
In terms of the way you use boons and curses, I'd make those a part of the regular economy rather than something you have to get specialized points for. More integration and simplicity that way. And also: having the hamlets contribute to the overall score gates in the game seems like another way to help integrate things without making the military battles themselves influenced at all.
Yeah, that makes good sense. And this would fit with my thoughts above if it was "peasant housing" or "nobles housing" and then those further evolved (and sometimes devolved) into sub-categories of those kinds of housing based on things that happened. So you place the most generic, basic version of a tile type, and then the AI manages how it changes from there.
That's a better description of pretty much what I was thinking of (like how the very first Simcity did it, you plopped down the very basic "tiles" and then the game built different things on each individual one). I'm thinking that with such an idea you wouldnt need very many "base" tile types, but you could have lots of different building variations that come afterwards.
Yeah, that makes sense.
But I do think it's important that the player place SOMETHING down. Otherwise, you end up with a bit of a divide between one citybuilding type, which is the current towns, and this new second type. And this could cause a bit of "Well, wait, I can build THESE over here just fine, but why doesnt it let me build these other ones?". It seems like it would go against the current feel of the game, in other words.
True... although to make this more integrated, I still think I would prefer that SOMETHING auto-build here. Perhaps any ruins tiles in abandoned towns automatically start turning into Slums tiles of their own accord, and those have negative consequences. You would then have to build over top of them if you wanted to mute their effects. Or deal with their effects. That's kind of the best of both worlds, to me: these hamlets can't be just completely ignored when enabled, but also you retain the indirection of control.
And if you combine this with Teal's ideas above about the proximity effects of positive and negative building statuses... well, I'm starting to really like how that is looking.
As far as resources, I agree, letting these things actually produce military resources is not a good idea. Letting them USE some of them (as cost, or towards various effects, whatever), might be something to think about.
Definitely agreed.
One other thing that occurs to me though is locations. The military cities are heavily affected by their locations and the surrounding tile type/structure, because there's a constant interaction between them and the military units that stand on and navigate those tiles in order to attack/defend the cities.
But if these hamlets are totally non-military, is there something that could make the location and such of them still important? This again is one of those things that sorta permeates the entire game, wether you're placing a new TC or dropping myth units or trying to decide how to deal with bandits.... so this one might be important to have a look at. And if hamlets sprout out of the ruins of a city, this would further increase the importance of planning your cities, which sure isnt a bad thing. But yeah, I was wondering about that one.
I think that the location-importance of stuff also is really important, certainly. Right now I'm thinking along three vectors, as of Teal's post this morning:
1. Within a hamlet, the proximity of certain building types, and of the positive or negative statuses of said buildings, makes the building placement WITHIN a hamlet really important. Far more so than in a regular town.
2. Just outside a hamlet (as I suggested yesterday), the proximity to certain land types has positive or negative influences on tiles near them, which also affects the hamlets.
3. Based on your notes here, I'm thinking that some form of influence from nearby towns and hamlets might also impact each hamlet. Details on that? No idea. It might be too unclear to players to be feasible. But it could be interesting, potentially.
The other counterargument to #3 is that the complexity of where you place towns is already enough, I think. If you are then having to think about the hamlets that get left behind AFTER the towns are destroyed... holy heck, you know? To that end, potentially just focusing on #1 and #2 above make for enough interesting complexity and "placement matters" type of gameplay.
And along that line, what about the placement/location of things within each hamlet? Might that affect the actual buildings somehow? That one doesnt seem to matter much with the current cities; towers are the one building type that mainly seems to matter as far as WHERE it's placed, with military buildings occasionally being specific about it as well, but the others tend to simply not matter.
Ha -- I'm reading as I'm responding, so I see you've already got to where I was headed. Yeah, I love this sort of thing.
One possible quick thought I had would be that bandits might target these towns - juicy relatively undefended places ripe for the plunder. But perhaps the main armies wouldn't. Providing somewhat a need to defend them, but they wouldn't be constant battlegrounds between the sides.
I could see that working, yeah. It would tie these into the military game more -- you have to defend these -- without making it so that they are constantly getting trashed by the main armies, which would be inevitable. The more I think about this, the more I like it.
but I don't understand why I (as a player) should care about them.
Primary reason, in an abstract sense? Because this is fun, and expands the sort of activities going on in the game. Specific reasons, in terms of the actual moment-to-moment game flow? Well, that's still in flux and not really defined, as you say. The first goal is actually making a model that is fun and that fits with the game, with an eye toward making it so that it could augment the main gameplay in a way that is extrinsically rewarding beyond just playing the new sub-game itself. Then the next task is actually coming up with those extrinsic rewards.
There's nothing to worry about here -- this is all just part of the super early design process, and is completely ordinary. Basically the fun comes first, and then the strategy; but while designing the fun, the strategy is constantly thought of as well.
I have a precious 3AP to spend on my turn, and I'm busy fending off bandits and balancing out the sides and scoring points from myth tokens and repairing broken resource chains and throwing terrain around to extend my borders and block things off ......
So there is an opportunity cost in spending 1 or more of my actions doing "whatever" in terms of these hamlets, so what is the motivating factor that is going to make me want to do that?
Please keep in mind that this question is meant to be more rhetorical than criticizing.
Point taken, and I quite understand. It's just part of the process, and believe me it's something I am keeping my eye on it. But this is usually (relatively) simpler of a question than coming up with a new gameplay model that fits the tenor of the game, is fun, and is sufficiently distinct from the rest of the gameplay. Finding those gameplay models can be bloody hard, heh. And usually the definition of the model itself really constrains or extends what can be done in terms of the strategic goals. So it's another part of why I put the gameplay model first.
As an aside, I think you could bring back the civilian units by making them act more as immobile tokens that you place on buildings for specific benefits. Units that can die if that building gets attacked.
Hah! That's a really clever idea, and potentially super useful. I don't know that I'll use it, but that's very clever.
I don't know about the previous civilian system, so I'm sorry if I say a blast.
But if it is about something that existed, then removed, and now trying to bring back,
I wouldn't characterize it as that, honestly. The old model was basically just like civilians in Age of Empires, if that makes any sense. Guys walked here and there to bring goods from here to there. End of story.
What we're talking about now is more of a citybuilding sim slotted into the main game mechanics, so it's a completely different thing.
In terms of the Faith idea, that's interesting, but I think it's really going in a very divergent way from everything I've described so far. No worries, but that's not quite what I'm looking to accomplish at the moment.
Maybe you could have the hamlets give bonuses as they grow. Things like extra resources from trade, extra points, maybe even extra AP. If you tend to their needs they would tend to grow more, but if you don't they may not. If you get enough of them grown to sufficient size, maybe that gives you a "civilian victory" which gives you a large score bonus.
Yeah, along those lines is what I've been thinking. Not the resources bit, but points and potentially extra AP. And possibly a new category of resource, who knows -- one new resource type that allows you to do some new military things that you can't accomplish any other way, and that you can't normally get very easily.
It does seem weird to me that the bandits would ignore them though. It seems thematically that the bandits should be going after these things, since they are undefended. After all, the bandits aren't attacking red and blue because they're pissed at them, they're attacking them because they want their loot! Maybe instead of razing the hamlets though, they loot them instead, which would cause the bonuses they give to shrink. You'd have to make decisions on how much of your attention you want to give to defending them. Possibly if one of the factions saves a hamlet from bandits, that faction might get extra resource bonuses or buff their troops.
Ohh! Yeah, that's a really nice point. These buildings can't be destroyed, but when bandits attack them it makes their status go further into the negative. Awesome!
The way I read the OP, one of the main benefits of utilizing hamlets will be the ability to win non-militarily. In Civ, you can win by launching a space ship to Alpha Centauri. I don't know what the equivalent would look like in SC, but that would be it's ultimate function. On the road to this non-military victory, the hamlets will provide other tangible benefits, but what those could be I don't know.
Right, pretty much exactly. The idea would be that even if you didn't want to "build the spaceship" so to speak, you would still want to mess with hamlets for those other tangible benefits. But if you really wanted to seriously buckle down on the hamlets, then you're building that spaceship.