True on sandbox.
Envy: That's the word! That's awesome, thanks.
In terms of not being that into the building side of things: well, that's a matter of taste I guess, honestly.
I'm actually wondering if perhaps I'm overthinking it with the Envy stuff, though. I mean, I could still do that. But what if:
1. Bandits just popped in as military buildings instead of a lone dude? You would have to maintain siege weapons for that, because as we've already established you can't kill an enemy building with just dudes. And since the bandits are consistently coming in as buildings, you can't just have siege weapons some of the time.
2. That doesn't address towns hidden behind towns hidden behind towns, though. A simple way to handle that would be to be to go back to... well, I guess for lack of a better word Unrest, but just on a per-town basis. And this would show on the town name, too, so it's not buried in the town itself. Basically, with this:
- Every turn there is not an opposing-faction unit (bandits don't count) within X of the town, Unrest (or whatever: Social Decay?) goes up by a certain amount that depends on the difficulty.
- Every turn that there IS an opposing-faction unit within X of the town, Social Decay goes down by that same amount.
- When social decay reaches 100%, the entire town immediately goes bandit.
- Thematically, these dudes just don't feel the need for protection from belonging to the faction they were a part of, so they declare independence (anarchistic independence?).
Combining those two things, we rock the boat less in general, and basically insure:
a) That there are siege units all over the place, making for much trouble.
b) That any towns that are sequestered away from the enemy will fall, and fall fast on higher difficulties.
When you combine those two things, I'd think it would be hard to keep siege units away from enemy towns, leading to some turnover. And I think it would be hard to keep sequestered towns, leading to challenges there. This puts the bandits less in the spotlight than just whole bandit towns being a thing, but it's still not the sole focus being on the bandits because of the second point.
This also seems easier to explain and understand, and is more implicit in the game rather than being part of the metagame. It's also quicker and less destructive to code, so I think at any rate I'll try this first and see if it's enough. If not, then we can try something more drastic.