General Category > Skyward Collapse Strategy Discussion

Unit resource dependency list

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I've been waiting for 1.000 to post this... :P

Here is a short summary of unit resource requirements, divided into structures that you need in your town and structures that can be shunted off to other towns.

Barracks (all units require:) Butcher.  Pig farm. - Ekdromos Bakery, Carpenter, Smithy. Wheat farm, Iron mine, Woodcutter. - Peltast Smithy, Well. Iron mine. - Prodromos - Ranch. - Xiphos Bakery, Smithy. Wheat farm, Iron mine. = = = Archery range (all units require:) Butcher. Sheep farm. - Toxotes Bakery, Carpenter, Fletcher. Wheat farm, Woodcutter. - Akontistai Carpenter, Smithy, Well. Iron mine, Woodcutter, Well. - Lithovoloi - Rock quarry. - Sfendonitai Smelter. Iron mine. = = = Siege workshop (all units require:) Bakery. Wheat farm. - Trojan horse - Rock quarry. - Battering Ram Smelter, Well. Iron mine. - Oxybele Smelter, Butcher. Iron mine, Pig farm. - Siege Tower Carpenter, Brewery. Woodcutter.

Barracks (all units require:) Butcher, Smithy. Pig farm, Iron mine. - Beserk Carpenter, Brewery.  Woodcutter. - Hersir Well. - - Huscarl Carpenter. Woodcutter, Ranch. - Marauder -  - = = = Archery range (all units require:) Butcher. Sheep farm. - Archer Bakery, Carpenter, Fletcher. Wheat farm, Woodcutter. - Axe-thrower Bakery, Carpenter, Smithy. Wheat farm, Iron mine, Woodcutter. - Longbowman Carpenter, Fletcher, Deer Park Woodcutter. - Shotput Smelter. Iron mine, Rock quarry. = = = Siege workshop (not all use the same resources.) - Arsonist Butcher, Bakery, Well. Pig farm, Wheat farm. - Catapult Butcher, Carpenter. Ranch, Woodcutter, Rock quarry. - Ballista Butcher, Bakery. Sheep farm, Wheat farm. - Mortar Bakery, Smelter, Brewery. Wheat farm, Iron mine.

Hi zharmad, your table seems to be a little bit outdated *g*

see the attached images for an example.

removed greek units: Peltast, Akontistai, Battering Ram, Siege Tower
removed norse units: Beserk, Hersir, Longbowman, Arsonist, Mortar
additionally the costs are different. e.g. Prodromos now also need Bacon.

a wiki would be nice, for this kind of stuff ^^


Welcome to the forums :)

--- Quote from: FooBarTheLittle on May 24, 2013, 07:54:57 am ---removed greek units: Peltast, Akontistai, Battering Ram, Siege Tower
removed norse units: Beserk, Hersir, Longbowman, Arsonist, Mortar
--- End quote ---
Those are still in the game, unless I missed something, but your profile level may not be high enough to build the stuff that produces the resources those need.

--- Quote ---additionally the costs are different. e.g. Prodromos now also need Bacon.
--- End quote ---
Zharmad's notes that Greek
"Barracks (all units require:) Butcher. Pig farm."


We do have a wiki that you are free to post this stuff to, if you wish. If anyone wants edit access, just shoot me a PM, I'll get you set up.

Oooo, I'd love to help contribute to the wiki. I think it would be great if this game had the wikification level that AI War does (I'd probably contribute to AI War too, that side has been falling behind in quite a few areas.)


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