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--- Quote from: zharmad on May 07, 2013, 01:56:39 pm ---Damn, I always thought they have a separate stockpile. My logic has been that if it is converted instantly, then there is no. need. for. the. resource icon! :D

 I long for the day when people can see wheat and imagine bread, see clay and imagine pots,  without it being a usability problem. ;)

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I thought the same at first, that's why I ran the test that I mentioned in the OP.  Once you grasp how the resources flow, you can get about with the current UI elements pretty well (not saying they don't need improvement thought).


--- Quote from: Cinth on May 07, 2013, 02:18:53 pm ---
--- Quote from: zharmad on May 07, 2013, 01:56:39 pm ---Damn, I always thought they have a separate stockpile. My logic has been that if it is converted instantly, then there is no. need. for. the. resource icon! :D

 I long for the day when people can see wheat and imagine bread, see clay and imagine pots,  without it being a usability problem. ;)

--- End quote ---

I thought the same at first, that's why I ran the test that I mentioned in the OP.  Once you grasp how the resources flow, you can get about with the current UI elements pretty well (not saying they don't need improvement thought).

--- End quote ---

Man. This is singularly disappointing. When I read about the split between raw and processed resources, I was hoping to find a proper resource chain such as in, I don't know, Minecraft - but instead I find RTS-style resourcing.

This state of affairs cannot continue into beta. The fictitious resources either have to go, or be made meaningful in some way.

This is the current reading: Say I'm making Xiphons at the Barracks, and they require 4 Swords each.  I mouse over the Barracks and it says "4 swords (9.33 available)." This statement is strictly false, because swords do not exist. I have 28 iron, and the swords are obfuscating language. If I then moused over an archery range where I'm making Svendonitai, it will then say "7 Steel (7 available)". This statement is also false - Steel does not exist. I only have 28 iron - and that 28 iron cannot both be used to make swords and steel, even when the hovertexts together imply that 9.33 swords and 7 steel are available.

It doesn't currently matter if it was 4 swords made @ 3 iron -> 1 sword,  or 12 swords with smithy conversion rate 1 iron-> 1 sword. The number is meaningless as long as the rate doesn't change. You may as well remove the medium altogether and say: "12 iron (28 available) + smithy" and "28 iron (28 available) + smelter". It requires no further explanation, and more importantly no false accounting. The manufactured resource ceases to exist.

Alternative (1): When smithies are upgraded - their conversion rate can improve. The texts can then read: "4 Swords (9.33 from 28 iron)", and then after a smithy upgrade "4 Swords (14 from 28 iron)" This makes the distinction between swords and iron meaningful.

Alternative (2): Manufactured resources are made per town and are local to that town. Much less appealing.


--- Quote from: zharmad on May 07, 2013, 03:22:44 pm ---Alternative (2): Manufactured resources are made per town and are local to that town. Much less appealing.

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This is actually how it works right now.  The changes in .805 are going to drive that point home even further.


--- Quote from: Cinth on May 07, 2013, 03:29:31 pm ---
--- Quote from: zharmad on May 07, 2013, 03:22:44 pm ---Alternative (2): Manufactured resources are made per town and are local to that town. Much less appealing.

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This is actually how it works right now.  The changes in .805 are going to drive that point home even further.

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Yes. Raw resources like iron are global, but, refined resources like swords and steel have always been per-town.


--- Quote ---This is actually how it works right now.  The changes in .805 are going to drive that point home even further.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Yes. Raw resources like iron are global, but, refined resources like swords and steel have always been per-town.
--- End quote ---

Which upcoming implementations make this global/local distinction important? I don't see currently how "4 steel" is superior to "16 iron + smelter" in terms of clarity or purpose.

 = = =
 EDIT: I'll refrain. There's plenty of other ways, such as introducing conversion rate limits (no longer on demand).


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