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Unit Actions replay needs some rethinking/improvements (fun vs usability)

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Now x4000 is asking for "Thoughts of others?" on one of those issues: [UI] Unit Actions "Auto Start Replay" option

Hmm, I'm a bit ambivalent about that particular feature. I might use it if it's available, but I wouldn't really miss it if it wasn't.

I think if it is implemented, it should be a toggle under the settings and NOT something that appears under the play buttons. I think there are too many toggles there already.


--- Quote from: Mick on May 07, 2013, 10:16:52 am ---I think there are too many toggles there already.

--- End quote ---
Yes, exactly!
That is why I propose that this new feature"could be bind to the "Play All" "option", thus activated when it is selected.

--- Quote from: Mick on May 07, 2013, 10:16:52 am ---I think it should be a toggle under the settings and NOT something that appears under the play buttons.

--- End quote ---
That is the more classic way of handling this kind of issue, but it certainly can become a default (not to mention Civ5 for instance;)


--- Quote ---I think if it is implemented, it should be a toggle under the settings and NOT something that appears under the play buttons. I think there are too many toggles there already.
--- End quote ---

Personally, I think it is an important enough feature to warrant space on the main playback menu. I would have this switched on for 90% of the time, but then I'd still like to break out of it occasionally to tweak my settings, possibly by hitting space bar during a movement phase. If the option was relegated to the main settings it wouldn't be as easy to break out of and then switch back on again. I would be very disappointed if this feature wasn't implemented, in at least some form, though.


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