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[Alpha Feedback] Tutorial Needs Work


Faulty Logic:
Very first impressions here, more to come.

The tutorial needs work. I have no idea what is going on, and that makes the game not fun.
Now, the tooltips (which are excellent) alleviate this problem to some extent, but:

The tutorial should walk you through (step by tiny step) how to get a military building up and running for both factions (maybe a different one for each).

I cannot emphasize this enough. If this were the tutorial in an official release, there is a good chance that I would switch to a different game before I ever got to the fun part.

Once the basics are established (each town has military production up and running) the game becomes fun. More on that phase in later posts.

I found the Tutorial not that confusing only some small hints would be very helpful. A step by step tutorial would be a little to streamlined for that sandboxing nature and  i personaly don't like that "do that or nothing happens"-style Tutorials as it is in other Strategy Games. Just some more Infos to start over or maybe a Second Optional Tutorial that goes a bit deeper into it. Some points i would suggest after the first Hour of Skyward are:

1. Maybe a little text about the Basic Resources and about the amount you should consider to have at round 1, that was a bit confusing to me and lead to a first big fault.

2. Maybe a short text about the 2 Basics Units per side to have a small overview about there strengths. I build a archery range for one side early on, that leads to a big unbalance (and some Funny solutions) :)

Otherwise that spare Tutorial give a good feeling about the experimental nature of this game, and the 1-2 Fail Rounds are maybe the best start to get the hang of it all. (And to provoke some great laughter)


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