Author Topic: Why no 1280x720 Resolution?  (Read 3794 times)

Offline paulsoaresjr

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Why no 1280x720 Resolution?
« on: March 09, 2013, 03:43:54 pm »
Bought the beta and looking forward to giving it a test drive but at full screen 1920x1080 everything is just way too small. I can play at 1280x768 but on a 16:9 monitor it looks  S T R E T C H E D! Wondering why you don't have support for 1280x720?


Offline x4000

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Re: Why no 1280x720 Resolution?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 07:41:34 pm »
Cheers!  Welcome to the forums.  For the resolution, the reason 1280x720 isn't supported is simply that we need 768 height of space in order to fit all the elements.  The game takes up IIRC 704 pixels, and then the HUD takes up exactly 64.  Anything less than 768 makes it so that you're either cropping stuff, or else we'd have to do scaling on the main game graphics and that tends to look really bad (pixel art gets really blurry in those circumstances).

Regarding the HUD, certainly on 1280x720 there would be some room on the sides for some of the elements (buttons, life, items, etc), but there wouldn't be room for the text that shows unless we put the playable area oddly off to the side or something.

Generally speaking, I think that 1440x900 is the best 16:9 resolution to use here.  Either that, or even a 16:9 monitor should support 1024x768 with black bars on the side.  That should solve the stretching problem, although honestly I'm not sure why 1280x768 is stretching in the first place.  There is a bit of an issue with the graphics looking stretched as soon as you change screen resolutions that I need to fix this week, so it might be that you can just switch to 1280x768, close the game, reopen it, and all will be well.

Hope that helps!
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Offline paulsoaresjr

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Re: Why no 1280x720 Resolution?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 12:01:45 pm »
Thanks for the info!  1440x900 seems to be the best for a big 16:9 monitor and I scale up to 1080 (or down to 720) for Youtube purposes. :)

Speaking of Youtube, do you grant permission to create public videos of beta or is there an NDA?

Offline x4000

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Re: Why no 1280x720 Resolution?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2013, 07:21:14 pm »
Cheers, glad that works!  And for Youtube, by all means feel free to do videos at any time, and to monetize them if you like, and so forth.  If there was an NDA we would have made that really clear, but thanks for asking; we're not terribly secretive, and I'm really glad for coverage.  Thanks again!
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