Arcen Games

General Category => Shattered Haven => Topic started by: pedrokof on March 11, 2013, 12:34:31 pm

Title: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: pedrokof on March 11, 2013, 12:34:31 pm
hi just bought the game, the question is that the link will download the 0800 version, when installing the game update does not work and does not update the game to the newest version, I have Win8 thanks
Title: Re: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: x4000 on March 11, 2013, 12:43:52 pm
Hi there,

Bear in mind that the game does not auto-update, you have to trigger the update yourself.  If you hit the big Play button, then you should see "Found X beta updates," where X is some number (probably 1).  Once you click that and go through the update process, you'll be on the latest version.  If it's not showing that "found beta updates" button, then there's a firewall blocking the game from checking with amazon s3, and you'll want to allow the game to access the Internet on your local firewall.

Hope that helps, and thanks for your support!
Title: Re: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: pedrokof on March 11, 2013, 03:38:49 pm
Thanks, my fault for not noticing, sorry :), I have avww 1 and 2, it's supposed to know that XD
Title: Re: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: x4000 on March 11, 2013, 03:39:08 pm
No worries at all!
Title: Re: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: pedrokof on March 12, 2013, 09:40:28 am
very good game by the way I like it, but even that avww, it will be because I do not understand English very well and for me it is a bit confusing avww, I write this with the translator ... it shows or not? XD
Title: Re: does not update the 0800 version
Post by: x4000 on March 12, 2013, 09:41:37 am
That works surprisingly well for a translator! And thanks for the kind words. :)