General Category > Private Alpha Discussion

Impressions and performance

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I understand how early this is so take this all with a huge grain of salt
1. Delays. The buttons on the gui firstly, but also moving ships feels super delayed for some reason.
2. Performance: Runs like a dream. No crashes so far and I don't think I have gone below 60fps
3. New Game button? Maybe I'm dumb and this is small but once my ark is destroyed I need to restart the entire game to start a new game. Maybe add a button to go back to menu? simple but needed I think
4. When I selected my ark i changed order to produced units and tried setting produced units to FRD mode. No matter how many times i clicked the button it never happened. Not sure why

Other than that it's a solid start and I see the potential! Once things get more ironed out I am sure i will have much more to add. Until then, I'm gonna try to beat the AI I'm not supposed to beat ;)

Sweet!  What are your specs?

Geforce gtx 970
AMD FX-8350 eight core processor
7.9gb ram
Windows 10

Sweet. :)


--- Quote from: x4000 on February 27, 2017, 04:27:00 pm ---Sweet!  What are your specs?

--- End quote ---

Slight threadjacking. I downloaded the build and fiddled around with it a bit, but it's not in a complete enough state that I would want to spend time playtesting. However, if you had some way of setting up a benchmarking scenario in the game and spit out some text files as output, I'd be happy to spend some time running them through my computer.

My current desktop is an i5-6600K (4 cores), 16 GB RAM, Win 10 64-bit, no graphics card (waiting for a sale...), 1680x1050 monitor. I didn't notice any lag or hitching issues in the Earlier-than-Alpha's initial fight.

I have an old system that is a Q6600 (4 cores), 4 GB RAM, Win 10 64-bit, an old GTX 600-series graphics card, 800x600 (I think) monitor (if the old monitor's an issue, I can just swap the tower into my station for testing). The original AI War ran pretty sluggishly on this machine if I didn't lower ship caps.

Maybe make a sticky about what system specs are most important to you when people report about performance issues?


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