Hey there! Excellent points.
To #1, we actually are looking at having a "Mood" indicator on the GUI coming up pretty soon, which should help do just that. It was kind of a throwaway idea from our volunteer GUI designer, Eric, but I immediately loved it because of its ability to help tutorialize. "Is 40 AIP good or bad? What does that even mean?" Etc. There's been some further discussion about the mood indicator showing something related to how the AI feels after attacks or as waves hit or something, but that's not fleshed-out yet at all.
There will be a lot more personality to the AI in general as we start getting the many (many) taunt lines in there.
To #2, the name of the "Controller," you know, that's one of those low-lying "I hadn't thought of it consciously, but now that you bring it up that's been bugging me, too" items. My first thought was that we could rename it LaGrange Point or something, but then it couldn't move (or would have to move).
Perhaps it should be called "Space Elevator" or something, instead. "He who controls the space elevator, controls the planet" -- Sun Tzu
That would also explain why the humans and the AI are capturing it, and not just destroying it.
I agree that having planet types determining resource types would be good. I'd love to be going "ooh, a gas giant, tons of fuel and science, yay!" Having these also affect the movement speed of all ships to a small degree (+- 10%?) I think would also be a nice touch.
Will be interesting to hear what the others think about this. There are more visuals for planets that I hope to get in sometime during the beta or during the press period, if I have time.