General Category > Private Alpha Discussion

About the New UI appearing in the next update

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If I ask nicely, do you think you can share just a piece of the new UI?

Here are a few samples to whet your appetites!

That I like! The coloured bits are especially nice.

The unit tooltip being more like Classic solves a large personal problem I had with the game.

Things I like about it:

1.You can see the factions in the game while you are in the game.

2. The text is color coded.

3. The whole thing looks smooth. If I were to touch it, I would feel really smooth marble or something like that.

4. It looks like you can minimize some of the objectives? If so, that's cool.

5.  I also like how there is a black rounded rectangle for the numbers on the top bar. Especially for the metal. It fills in that dead space in between the metal and energy that the current UI has.

6. It's bright.

7. Ability to see the seed of the campaign.

Things that bother me just a little:

1. The bottom pic with the Hacker. The ARS says what it gives you when claimed, which is a Space Tank. But then the science it gives you when on a planet is right next to it. I looked at it for a while and thought "What is a Space Tank 6? A Mark VI Space Tank?" but then I saw the rest of the description. Please put some sort of divider after the ship name. And possibly change the number for the Science per second to blue.

2. The Damage, Range, and Reload words are on the right of the numbers. I guess it could be read as x damage, x (unit of time) reload speed, x (unit of distance) range. But I usually read it as X damage, Reload speed of x (unit of time), and a range of x (unit of distance). Left to right. In my opinion, it doesn't fit with all the stats right above it.


--- Quote from: Ovalcircle1 on August 21, 2018, 05:51:24 pm ---1. The bottom pic with the Hacker. The ARS says what it gives you when claimed, which is a Space Tank. But then the science it gives you when on a planet is right next to it. I looked at it for a while and thought "What is a Space Tank 6? A Mark VI Space Tank?" but then I saw the rest of the description. Please put some sort of divider after the ship name. And possibly change the number for the Science per second to blue.

2. The Damage, Range, and Reload words are on the right of the numbers. I guess it could be read as x damage, x (unit of time) reload speed, x (unit of distance) range. But I usually read it as X damage, Reload speed of x (unit of time), and a range of x (unit of distance). Left to right. In my opinion, it doesn't fit with all the stats right above it.
--- End quote ---

Good spot. Thought something was off...but didn't actually notice anything specific.

Two things: First, the text in the sidebar, like "No Hacker Here" seems...oddly fuzzy. The rest of it is crystal sharp, so it is sticking out for me.

Second, showed these to someone who has mentioned their strong dislike for Classics UI, and it was met with approval, so there's that. They've never really played it because of the UI.


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