I'm pretty sure thats what he does - He takes a game. He plays it. Then he makes fun of it in a cartoon.
If he actually enjoyed the game, its usually pretty evident..
So, if I played the original Bioshock for its multiplayer (because my philosophy is that any good game has great multiplayer) and I say its a steaming pile of doo, then its ok solely based on its multiplayer?
I'm asking this honestly. Even the reviewer in question had the decency to review a primarily a single player game for its primary mode. I'm taking the opposite approach. If I take a primarily single player game for its limited multiplayer approach, and base my review soley on what I feel my philospophy is, does that make me entertaining? Or does that just make me biased and I have to dress my opinion with animation?
Try to listen to the game reviewer without animation sometime. He's nothing but an asshat.
Obviously, you should be able to voice your opinions regarding games.
If your value of games revolves around multiplayer and you don't really care about single player, it would not bother me if you reamed Bioshock for its terrible mp. That is something that would be quickly picked up on by people who watch your reviews.
*aside* (Although if you like video games solely for their MP appeal, I think you might want to review your buying strategy in this case, as it seems to cause you to buy games that you do not like.)
Yahtzee primarily reviews games based on their entertainment, he is harsh, often unfair, but he always tries to entertain.
I value
good entertaining single player, Strategy as a gameplay element, interesting Stories (or the ability to create good stories ala AI Wars, df), Fun Multiplayer, Fun RPG elements, Puzzle-solving, and Complexity.