I missed two >90% hits yesterday. At that point I was feeling like my soldiers deserved to die if they were failing that badly. I know that 90% is no guarantee, but it sure *feels* like one.
I prefer the determinism of something like Bionic Dues, but in general I'm ok with my guys missing even well-set-up shots.
But I would like tools/weapons/perk-choices/research-choices/whatever that let me better prepare for the contingency of a missed shot, and to be able to bend without breaking. If I'm commanding a company and only have one guy covering a spot, and he's got a bolt-action rifle then I deserve what I get if he misses (no matter how incredibly awesome a shot he is).
But if I've got a squad of six guys (so putting one guy on something is one sixth my total resources), and a dude with a fully automatic cannon at point blank range, I expect him to do
something other than get turned into worm food because of one coin flip. Alternatively, if they're going to roll me a critical failure that hard, then give me the amusement of having said cannon blow up in the guy's face. Because the probability is similar. Bonus points if the explosion AOE takes out the chryssalid anyway.
I'd like to not savescum so much, but when so much is riding on individual rng rolls, it's my only natural defense mechanism
Perhaps the grenades and shotguns and whatever else address this; I haven't played this game yet.