Gotta say, I'm concerned about this one as well.
The idea of developing stuff like this, focused on tablet devices and whatnot, is fine by me. I have an iPad myself, and it's one of the best purchases I've ever made. It's my secondary gaming device, right after the PC, and I've got some 200+ titles on there; Some simple stuff like Angry Birds, and some really freaking complicated or difficult stuff like various roguelikes, and a bazillion shmups.
So I'm not against THAT aspect. But the idea of taking something like that, and ALSO making it the central thing that all PCs will revolve around.... just.... argh. How can ANYONE think that's a GOOD idea? Clearly, SOMEONE in that company needs to be fired. Not sure who, but someone does, if they had an idea like THAT.
And this, after Windows 7, which is the best version of the OS I've seen since..... er..... well, since 3.1, actually. I liked 3.1. It bloody well did what I told it to do. 7 has been very good about that as well. 8 though, sounds like it's going to be the opposite.