Starcraft 2- yes I have played it many times- is a great rts. I'm sorry, you apparently don't like blizzard rts, but it is great for one specific reason- it is balanced. Is very balanced. And I think that they will continue to maintain balance for years to come. As a competitive rts player, most games of this genre that come out receive one patch and then they are gone from the market. Blizzard games are supported for years, the balance issues are supported for years due to the competitive scene, and you have to respect that. arcen is the same way about their ai war game, even releasing updates more often than blizzard.
We all know Activision sucks hard-core. I don't want to write blizzard off because they married a monster. The idea is to be vigilant and watchful, to point out when the world goes wrong, to make it known when decisions are harmful, and hope that the community supports that. Otherwise, we have corporate gone wrong. I will never join Facebook, and I certainly won't partake in realid, but there are a lot of casual people who play World of Warcraft that will probably take advantage of this. I think that is who this is for; people who need to be able to be accessible to their raid leaders at all times but still want to play other games. If you have played World of Warcraft, that's pretty much the gist of it. You are at the beck and call of your raid leader or you potentially lose your spot.
I, however, do not like World of Warcraft, and this wont be affecting me now that they have changed the forum rules back to sanity.