War for the Overworld is out of Early Access now... or is it?
No, it isn't. It released early, way way too early. And thus squandered first impression. I am actually more hyped for Dungeons 2 right now.
Also I still think this game lacks tons of atmosphere. The beating of the dungeon hard echoing through the chambers, the screams of Succubi in the night.. the CASINO, giant fat-bags wobbling through your dungeon. Proper interaction between creatures, proper moods and creature AI and more importantly, a less stagnant building system. Why the heavens does it have to be grid based? And why is possession totally broken? ;/
Anyhow.. hopefully this will improve to a not just playable state, but a state where it is polished and comparable to DK... right now though, it really is a sad example for Early Access shenanigans on Steam