I hate to complain. As the new background is pretty cool, but is there any way we can get the forum background in as a profile option?
I browse the forums on my phone quite a bit, and I really prefer the minimalist no background look on my phone, also it saves having to load the background every refresh which would be nice.
Not a problem, I actually meant to keep the old theme around (and had backed up its folder), but apparently SMF doesn't just read every folder by default. I have now configured that properly so that you can get the old one as the Arcen 2012-era theme. If you or someone knows how users can switch their own theme (it's somewhere in settings), that would be useful to post. I feel stupid for not being able to find it.
I really like the new site design. And thanks for all the wallpapers!
Thanks! And you're welcome.
I don't mind the background on my computer. It's for mobile that I would want to disable the background. I'm assuming this fix wouldn't affect that?
Just as an FYI, the background is hugely optimized so that it is only 127kb or so for a 1920x1080 sized image. The cache settings are also really aggressive, so your phone should not download it repeatedly at all. Unless the phone is either dumping cache frequently or doing something else unusual, anyway. Overall the new theme uses about 120kb more in terms of images than the old one does, because the older header and footer images were not well optimized it turned out.