And I'll also take a moment to at least say: Just keep it civil, everyone. Let's not have that damn gun topic again. That whole incident was pretty bad, as things on this forum goes.
I won't rehash the gun topic. I stand by everything I said, however. Continued ignorance is what got us here.
It's tough to get people to care about others. Even someone like Misery, who openly admits to not knowing what is going on and is perfectly content in their bubble, can't be bothered to read about it. Can't be bothered to be literate about the topic. Can't be bothered to take a half hour to go vote.
I wonder, at what point do the Misery-like persons of the world take responsibility? What would have to happen for someone like Misery to care? Because there are tons of folks like that. Most people didn't vote.
One wonders, if the current administration fired up the ovens, but they gave people like Misery a chance to vote first, would folks like Misery vote? What event would have to happen for someone to pay attention?
If you can't care about the poor and the sick, if you can't care about people with disabilities (even though Misery has disclosed and asked us to respect his/her disability on this forum), if you can't care about women and their health, if you can't care about immigrants, what is the breaking point where someone like Misery would care enough?
What makes people care enough?
And some of it I agree with, that partisan blinders prevent people from solving problems. I do believe that the two-party system is broken, and it has turned into a personality cult. And I'm not saying that "the liberals are right" because they're liberals, but rather, I'm addressing the individual topics on their own merits. And when I addressed the gun control topic, I addressed it on its own merits. It just so happens that there is a party out there which makes an awful lot of money on weapons, and whether or not people are dying, it doesn't matter to them. That's not partisan, it's addressing the matter on its own merits, and one side does happen to be wrong.
I would posit the same thing about healthcare. It seems kind of obvious to me, every major country in the world has healthcare for all. Surely, living healthy is something we can all agree on.
I would say the same thing about people with disabilities. Should they be swept away or allowed to die because they cost money? And if that's what's happening now, are people just going to shake their heads and say "oh that's too bad"? Will people just not care because it's not them? Will people just not care because of the extreme apathy and depressing words that Misery wrote? I would say that while a literal oven is not being fired up on the White House lawn, it's being done in a much more clever way. Remove the healthcare, remove the medication and the doctors, what more devious way to remove the "burdens on society" than by taking away what gives them life? They don't need literal ovens. In the modern era, it's much more devious, much more sinister, you can remove a population by Executive Order. And that's what we see happening.
There's nothing partisan about killing your own people. And there's nothing noble about looking the other way.
It's not a matter of not caring. It's a matter of having the very, very rare view of someone looking in from the outside.
Part of it is an effect of the fact that I'm autistic: I'm less affected by tribalism than most, because how can one that naturally avoids others like the plague ever become part of such a tribe? So I dont get sucked in so easily. From that point of view, I can see what it's doing to people, and the simple fact that politics is *always* toxic. Even just watching my own parents... I have great respect for them, and they taught me many things as I was growing up, but I'm ashamed to see them when they're in political mode. The things they say about people..... ugh. It's a truly nasty tranformation, and it's nearly universal when it comes to politics. That tribalism again. "If you're not with us, you're against us". I see it so much, and I not only refuse to dive into the pit of gibbering hyenas, I refuse to BE one of those hyenas.
I didn't vote because even without looking stuff up, I already knew that no good would come of it. If the other candidate had won, people would still be flipping the hell out. It'd still be gloom and doom: It's just that the sources would be different. But they'd be there, one way or another. I'll have no part of it. Something that Wingflier said up above is "Hillary wasnt an option for me either". That's how I *always* see it... again, I recognize the nature of what's happening. There is no "lesser evil" to choose from. There's only different TYPES.
As a rule, despite my admitted misanthropy, I do tend to care about people as a rule. But politics doesnt help anyone. There are times when it might SEEM to, but when you really look hard enough, you see that it's doing just as much damage. No matter which way I might choose in such matters, it will hurt someone. Misanthropic I may be, but I refuse to hurt others. Knowing there is no GOOD choice, I simply make NO choice. The hyenas can fight amongst themselves.
I'll say though that I know a BIT more than I will usually admit to. You cant sit around your overly political family, who complain about things at the damn screen non-stop and never shut up unless I rant at them enough, and not hear at least SOME things. But I didn't memorize details: I simply heard enough to see the negativity on both sides, and negativity is something I sure as hell understand. The details dont matter to me. So.... yeah. No good option.
If someone really wants to do some good: Go volunteer. Help the poor. Or help those around you that are in need. Even just a small gesture can brighten someone's life. And I've learned over the years that THIS is what I can do for people. As an example, it's part of why I do what I do around here. I just dont speak of things in this manner very often... cant be breaking my own wall of dark negativity, after all.
I'll also say something here too, and I wouldnt admit this in damn near any other forum I go to: In relation to two groups that are very under fire right now, I understand well both the problems that the disabled face, and the problems that the LGBT group face. I have my own issues in both. I"m technically disabled, and I have my own gender issues. So in a case like that, yeah.... I know everyone there is hurting. I dont need to look THOSE up. And I do care, because how could I not? But again, to choose one option is only to then hurt a DIFFERENT group that I DONT know about, yet is no less important. So, again, I choose no option, and simply do things directly in situations around me. I can help people out that I meet from both groups in my own ways, when capable. Even I can at least managed that.
....I really typed that stuff out, didn't I? I may edit some of that when the caffiene wears off. Or not, maybe in this place that'd be silly and unnecessary.
But whatever. I think you get the gist of what I'm saying here overall. You certainly dont have to agree with me, and that's absolutely fine. But I can at least explain myself a bit. Anyone that's been here knows I explain stuff alot. Very lengthy explanations indeed.
Also I'm glad to see that this hasnt devolved into a screaming mess. EVERY other forum I've been to, even the autism one, this would have degraded into a shrieking ball of flaming stupid within three posts. It's a freaking tragedy to watch.