You do realize that the original Tribes pretty much created the team-based shooter genre, right? BF3 is ripping off Tribes just as much as any other team based shooter. That's just the way the market works.
Either way, I get that you don't like Tribes. That's fine. But comparing it to BF3 is just hilarious. The unlock system in BF3 is so stupidly and excessively stupid I don't know where to start. "Here, have this jet. Oh, you only have a cannon, so you'll be of absolutely no help to your team at all. Oh, you're a big target, but that will do. Oh, did I mention the only way to get useful is to play more with the jet? Have fun!"
How is that a good idea? O_o At least tribes gives you a solid ground to build from. You get a capper/chaser, a midfield fighter/assaulter and a defender/bombarder unlocked right off the bat. A light, mid and heavy class.
And tbh, I don't really understand the sentiment that the "unlock system isn't fun". You've got everything you need from day 1. Everything else is just flavor and taste. Like assaulting gens? Unlock the INF. Like capping? Perfect your Pathfinder. This whole idea that you need everything unlocked to compete is so alien to me because it
is quite frankly not true.
I'm not even going to bother responding to the other arguments because it's clear to me that we definitely do not see the same thing when we look at the games. To me, BF3 is a boring slugfest, while Tribes is a fast-paced team shooter with real skill involved. You likely see it he other way around. We'll just have to agree to disagree.