I put down $30 this past weekend and got a bunch of weapons. Grabbed the LMG, MIRV, Bolt Launcher, LAR, thrust pack, and DMB Mines. The Jug weapons are awesome and fun, and the LAR and thrust pack makes playing chaser a way more fun experience. I haven't gotten a chance to play with the Bolt launcher for more than a few minutes, but those few minutes were awesome. Oh, and the DMB Mines are crazy effective.
I now have all the unlockables I want. All of them. All I am doing now is upgrading, and once I finish doing that for the classes I play all my XP is merely "fun money" to spend or amusements sake.
That $30 was totally worth it.
Anyways, It's patch day! This patch adds stuff to the Raider and marks the official release of Custom servers.
Patch Preview Video.Patchnotes