Well, I've played ten hours of the game so far and these are my first impressions:
I had every reason to dislike it.
1. I've never liked any of the Total War games. Too complicated, too slow paced, battles every few hours, combat was boring, everything was boring, somebody please kill me.
2. I've never liked the "Civilization" genre of game in general. Yes, I know not everybody would lump Total War into the same genre, but to me it is. It's basically just Civilization except with real-time combat. This goes for the Heroes of Might and Magic series as well, except it has turn-based combat. You build cities on the campaign map, capture territory, all the AIs have their turn, there are the subfactions, the diplomacy, the technology trees, the armies and blah blah blah, it's all the same game in different packaging. That's my opinion. I don't know exactly what it would be called but I call it the Civilization genre and I've never liked it because boring as all hell.
3. I hate diplomacy in general. I've never seen it done right. It's either way too easy to exploit or way too complicated to be any fun.
So knowing all of these things going into it, the reason I was still willing to shell out 45 bucks was because I LOVE the Warhammer Universe, and I thought maybe the cool factor of that would somehow make up for all the elements of the genre that I detest. Also it looked like they were doing it a little differently since it was part of the Warhammer franchise, and (presumably) they didn't want to make another Total War game in slightly different (and more colorful) packaging. At best, I expected to have a game that I moderately enjoyed playing, SOMETIMES, when I was in a mellow enough mood to be bored out of my mind but also wanting to do a Civilization style game.
Instead, I was absolutely blown away. This game is...everything I could have ever wanted and more. It is NOTHING, I mean NOTHING like the other Total War games or any other game I've played that remotely relates to it in the same genre. They NAILED the Warhammer feel. It is battle after glorious battle. You'll be lucky to go 3 turns without engaging in combat on several different fronts. You can not "Oh I'm going to diplomacy and Sim City my way through this" no f*ck you, this is Warhammer, go hard or go home we're killing you. The constant battles, all the campaign portion of the game does is lead up and complement those instead of the other way around. There is no diplomacy option. Oh, don't get me wrong, you can make allies, but the only purpose of making allies is to have more war buddies. And the battles themselves are EPIC. Just EPIC. Like Lord of the Rings level, Gimli and Aragorn fighting off hordes of enemies by themselves somebody pinch me I'm crapping my pants epic.
I'm done talking about it. One of the most common negative reviews I saw on Steam was the complaint that the game is so different to the previous installments of the Total War series, and long-time fans were unhappy with how different it felt and played to the last 8 million games before it. If you like Total War, you should probably stay away. If you hate Total War, this is the game for you.