Personally I don't care about hackers. I don't play public games anyway. I'd prefer to play with like-minded individuals who I'm already comfortable around. I'd say friends, but no real life friends I have really love the same games I do.... As much as I try to get em to buy AVWW and AI War and play with me. :p
So yeah, most of my borderlands was solo. Game's fun based on its own merits, what can I say? But yeah, that's why I don't care for cheat prevention. I like modding. I don't like to play by enforced rules when I'm going solo all the time anyway.
This is really not that relevant to me anyway though. I've got my Torchlight 2 preorder, which is great and all, but my computer's gotten to the point that idle processes crash from time to time. Nobody knows or cares enough to help, that I know personally. I was thinking about starting a thread to get people to help me figure out what's wrong and get a throwaway part so I at least can do computer stuff for school. But yeah, these aren't the boards for that. So, video game discussion it is!