It is an underwater crafting/survival sim.
And it does look shiny. But given some of the other crafting games out there, I think the reason Minecraft (Terraria, Starbound) worked so well--and the others haven't--is in its simplicity. That is, you had to actually craft anything worth a damn and large stuff was made out of small stuff. No "push button, get submarine."
Now, I recognize that there's some advanced tech at work here, some sort of nano-fabricator or mater-replicator. But that just raises other problems: why can I push a button and get a submarine constructed out of "nothing" floating in mid-air, but
not an
entire biosphere. Why do I have to stab fish with a knife? No laser rifle in the databanks? Why does the submarine float in mid air anyway? What's keeping it aloft? Why doesn't it
stay aloft when completed? Why not gently lower it into the water does it doesn't crush anything/make a huge splash?