I'm having a fun time with STASIS. It's a good game and it's fun to guess what might have happened. It also has (at the moment) no action sequences what I like. Modern horror games tend to go with the police "in order for a game to be scary, you have to hide from monsters that chase you). You can die in STASIS, but you won't die because some stupid monster saw you hiding in a corner. You die because you made a mistake and mst of this mistakes are obvious.
You can also use some of the items you find on yourself and commit suicide. There does not seem any value to that other for seeing a cutscene and getting the corresponding achievment.
The game uses jump scares, most horror games use these nowadays, it is the easiest way to scare someone, but they also use a thick amosphere and text logs to describe what happened without being to explicit.
All you read I that somethign went horribly wrong but no one actually has an idea
what happened because the whole spaceship has been locked down and the people are seperated in different stations.
Edit: Additional note. Some of the puzzles are a little hard. There was one thing that I would never have foudn out if I haven't seen it in the video. It's probably the only real dumb puzzle int he game. Most puzzle solutions aren't obvious but make sense when you find them out. But this one? I have no idea why they would make such a thing, it doesn't even fit the tone of the game. For those who have the game and want to know what I'm talking about, here is a spoiler.