2 words (of something that bug me so much about SOTS2 that I don't even start it until it is really, 100% fixed)
This game has the absolutely worst GUI performance ever. Of any game, I ever played. Even Distant Worlds has better GUI performance..
And oh boy... the GUI: The research screen doesn't remember where you left, and is incredibly finicky. No slider, no value, literally NOTHING gives you tooltip feedback as to what it does and when it does, it is often nondescript. Biosphere? Well sucks to be you, but it's completely mystery what it does to your trade, even if you read the manual. Wanting to understand the weapons? Well weapons give you great (useless) info but there is no easy way to actually compare them. There is no way to get a detailed view at WHAT COSTS WHAT in your income screen.
ScanningScouting a system gives you the absolutely most pointless screen of the entire game. Where you can neither give a colonization order, see which planet is valuable on a glance or decide even remotely whether the system is colonizable AT ALL.
Then there is that you can not give a "support colony" mission if the colony is already established. That you can still not give mission orders IN THE MAIN SCREEN. And disabling the nebulae... nope. And no random maps.
Or that you can not intercept enemies in space if you play humans or hivers
Or that you have to watch all battles wherever you have a ship or gate near (which is the most annoying "bug" in the entire game if you play hiver)
Then there is the stupid AI which can not become allied or when it does (via cheesing and cheating), can not be given hotspots like in SOTS1 so is completely pointless/useless.
Basically, this is by far one of the worst 4x games made to this day. And that is when it is completely finished. Currently, it is maybe 50% so, no tutorial, no scenarios, and no random maps... no thanks ;p
Wish I had taken that refund after all.. they even removed features in the last patch to be able to say that it is "all clear" haha.. (Operations, spies, counter-espionage, that entire feature doesn't work)
When I think of SOTS2 and how much I was hyped about this, I am a sad panda ;(
The game is now out an entire year. An entire year of patching, prodding and bug fixing. And they haven't managed to fix the nr 1 major issue of this game -> The GUI <- it is horrible. click heavy, what you could do with a drag and click in sots1, now takes 5 clicks or more (creating fleets, research, even giving movement orders urgh)