Author Topic: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged  (Read 20636 times)

Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2014, 04:30:26 pm »

Btw, to me unfair bias can be easily proven. Look up what sites covered TFYC (google news, search for TFYC - The Fine Young Capitalists). What good reason is there for a site fighting sexism not to post and support this?

I could speculate and there are some reasonable, non-biased reasons for RPS to not have covered the Indiegogo campaign. But you'd have to ask them yourself on why they didn't. I haven't supported the Indiegogo campaign though, so does that mean I don't fight sexism? No, it doesn't.

I'd love to ask RPS... but they disabled comments and don't reply to tweets... what a surprise.. ;) And of course It doesn't mean YOU don't fight sexism. I never intended to imply that. TFYC is a crowd funding thing and it'd be absurd to expect everyone to support this just because. Only do that if you really believe in the specific project.

The only reason they posted this article is imo this ->

Just as a general disclaimer. To me this is entertainment to pass the time. When I come really down to it, the only news site I frequent is bluesnews. And there no agenda exists. If it's news worthy it's news. (Bluesnews is a news aggregator)
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Offline Wingflier

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2014, 01:16:44 pm »
RPS's reply on the subject of supposed game media corruption:

In particular, I think this quote is the most appropriate and more matches my feelings on it:

The accusations for our corruption have focused on a claim that favourable reviews/coverage were written after a writer was alleged to be in a sexual relationship with a developer. Except, no such articles exist, making the claim nonsensical. It has been refuted. Nevertheless, the claim has been stated repeatedly, and with confidence, which seems to be enough to have some people believe it. Despite it not being true. The demands that we address this, and condemnations that we are being “silent” over it, are therefore basically demands to defend ourselves against a crime that hasn’t happened. And that’s it. That is, unfortunately, the basis on which people have called for a boycott of RPS, and urged people to hound our advertisers in order to “destroy” the website.

I'd quote more, but I dislike doing that so go and read the rest of the article, including the Q&A at towards the end. It's long but honest and non-pr-fluff.

Until someone presents hard evidence of games media corruption or unfair bias, I'm going to continue reading what they publish. All I'm reading right now is "could have, possible, maybe shows corruption, MAYBE he COULD have been involved in rackeetering". Cmon guys, that's not enough. We do have actual evidence of corruption in YouTube gaming coverage and yet we, as a gaming community, did very little in response to it. I think it was a big *shrug, so what?* and that is sad.

So, you'll excuse me if I don't go livid over inferences and connections possibly pointing to corruption but not actually showing hard evidence of such. Frankly, what has disgusted me most about these past couple of weeks is the harassment, bigotry and death threats lashed out by people over this. Nothing justifies that behavior. Nothing.

This video gives a pretty good 15 minute review of what has commonly been referred to as #Gamergate, giving numerous sources and a detailed explanation of the event.

Unfortunately, the RPS article can not be taken at face value, because the entire outrage which has occurred within the gaming community surrounds the proven dishonesty, unfair, and unprofessional tactics that dozens of modern gaming sites, including RPS, are using. They are, quite literally, in bed with each other, and this has been confirmed through multiple sources. It isn't just hearsay.
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2014, 02:35:12 pm »
Unfortunately, the RPS article can not be taken at face value, because the entire outrage which has occurred within the gaming community surrounds the proven dishonesty, unfair, and unprofessional tactics that dozens of modern gaming sites, including RPS, are using. They are, quite literally, in bed with each other, and this has been confirmed through multiple sources. It isn't just hearsay.
Can you provide those sources?
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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2014, 07:17:08 pm »
Provided within the link.
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Offline chemical_art

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2014, 08:04:46 pm »
This whole issue is toxic.

I used to enjoy, but they have gone on-board with this whole fiasco, and I wondered why. Then I heard someone, correctly or not, posted a screepcap getting them involved, and now they are doing damage control and posting what should be comedy articles instead taking sides.

On the one hand I want to keep a very long distance from this, but the more I hear, the more unhappy I get. I keep telling myself it is the internet and nothing I can do can change things, so I just want it to go away.
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Offline Cyborg

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2014, 10:29:54 pm »
Unfortunately, the RPS article can not be taken at face value, because the entire outrage which has occurred within the gaming community surrounds the proven dishonesty, unfair, and unprofessional tactics that dozens of modern gaming sites, including RPS, are using. They are, quite literally, in bed with each other, and this has been confirmed through multiple sources. It isn't just hearsay.
Can you provide those sources?

As far as I can tell, it has to do with Nathan Grayson, one of the journalists. You can look for his name here:

Romantic relationship confirmed here by his boss:'ve-been-asked-several-times-about-a-pos-1624707346

I wasn't there, I don't know who was banging whom, but I will link the following reviews on sites this guy writes for:
(Note the full disclosure message on that page! Starting to get the picture of what a small town gaming journalism is?)

Nathan writes an article including Quinn:

RPS rebuttal wasn't satisfying for me:

The infamous image allegedly from March of this year:

What it really comes down to is, did this girl and her PR company get goody-goody with multiple journalism sites to boost their business and rig GDC? My personal opinion, hell yes! I feel like rock paper shotgun is saying the same thing that athletes do when they get in trouble, "well I'm not a role model…"
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Offline Wingflier

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2014, 04:32:52 am »
Well said Cyborg.

And at this point, it's not that even the fact anymore that it happened; we all know it happened. The series of events has been confirmed by enough sources that there's really no denying it anymore.

What has really hurt the gaming community is that these gaming news sites, who claim to speak for the gaming community, and to provide honest, unbiased opinions and criticisms of the events of the gaming world, have actually turned against the gaming community, and completely failed their charge. Instead of owning up to their crimes, they have shifted the burden in the most unfathomable ways.

They have, instead of focusing on the actual problem, decided to blame misogyny, anti-Feminist sentiment, slut shaming, victim blaming, and sexism within the gaming community, and continued to defend one anothers actions, making excuses and shifting the blame instead of offering a sincere and heartfelt apology, which to my knowledge, has still not happened. It is the epitome of irresponsibility and unprofessionalism, and I think the gaming community absolutely has a right to be horrified.
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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2014, 08:15:27 am »
Is there any evidence that Nathan Grayson and Zoe Quinns were in a relationship before April (when the kotaku guy said they were)? Because if there isn't then all the articles and videos were written and filmed beforehand, which would suggest that there's no corruption there.

Appearing in a video together doesn't make a relationship (as the image Cyborg posted is trying to suggest? I might be misinterpreting). Either that or Grayson has one helluva sex life.

Offline chemical_art

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2014, 04:03:16 pm »
I feel despondent over this issue, because the censorship over it is so strong.

In proper gaming circles, there is zero discussion over it. Which is very unusual, until you read that...

In non-gaming circles, the discussion focus falls into three camps

1) The gaming circles are outright banning discussion over this event
2) The focus is on the corrupted woman has received threats, thus the original issue (corruption) is completely ignored
3) The issue is discussed, but there is a vocal background who wish to push their own agenda

There seems to be no actual discussion of the problems, and no likely good outcome. Really, I want to find a silver lining, but there seems to be none that I can find.
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Offline Aklyon

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2014, 04:47:22 pm »
Less 'vocal background' and more they're the only ones you can hear say things about it still.

Offline chemical_art

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2014, 05:05:45 pm »
Less 'vocal background' and more they're the only ones you can hear say things about it still.

The only thing I don't hear plenty of is the actual corruption itself. Considering even sites not about gaming are injecting their opinions about this.

But you are right in one sense: Everyone wants to push their agenda. Still not comforting.
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Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2014, 11:00:52 pm »
Many many people can not lead a discussion without injecting their own bias. That is why "debate culture" is an actual skill you can learn, and which a lot of people do not possess. It's an ancient human thing, the realization that to truly lead an argument, you have to have the ability to see BOTH sides. And you can claim you do, but most people really can not do it. I don't think I can either.

Also it's worth noting that Gamasutra, RPS etc are NOT journalistic sites.

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I feel the pull in this story to pick a side though, it is very strong because the battlelines had been drawn very early on. And it's easy to choose a side, because both sides have reduced their argumentations to hyperbole. But without actual journalism a dialog can never be established.
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Offline Misery

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2014, 12:26:15 am »
Wait, this whole thing is STILL GOING?  What?  Why? 

Offline Cyborg

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2014, 03:49:45 pm »
Is there any evidence that Nathan Grayson and Zoe Quinns were in a relationship before April (when the kotaku guy said they were)? Because if there isn't then all the articles and videos were written and filmed beforehand, which would suggest that there's no corruption there.

Appearing in a video together doesn't make a relationship (as the image Cyborg posted is trying to suggest? I might be misinterpreting). Either that or Grayson has one helluva sex life.

Does it suggest that? That's an awful lot of coverage for a game like this, except when you consider the hierarchy of this particular scandal. The gripe here isn't about the sex. The sex is only used as a definite confirmation of bias. The gripe here is about whether certain people are getting preferential treatment, and there's just too much coverage of this one person and her PR company to make any kind of rational sense.

But maybe we all just need to accept this is not a journalism website.

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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: So.. Independent Games Festival 2014 was rigged
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2014, 07:21:28 pm »
I appreciate the further detail on the sources.  I'm still not fully clear on timings and whatnot but I see the "probable cause", so to speak.

Hopefully sites and audiences will be clearer about expectations in both directions in the future.
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