He tries, though. He makes videos about video games, and will try to send messages to change the video game industry for the better. It's a far cry better than the people who just make videos about them fumbling around in video games and make money off of it. Admittedly, video game industry problems should be a low level concern, because there are a lot of higher level concerns. The thing is, he didn't choose to even be involved in stuff like that. He chose to be involved in the video game industry, he chose to do his best to make changes and improvements that he cares about. Who makes video game videos that even tries to do stuff like that? I at least have respect for that side of him.
I honestly agree, as well, but with the whole sharing frenzy of stuff on youtube. I understand, say, sharing a post about local dogs who need a new owner or something... but then there are the people who are even my friends who change their profile picture and pretend that it's a campaign that will really hit home on LGBT rights. If they wanted to make a difference, they'd vote, they'd go out and talk to other people, they'd write letters and make videos and protest. Hash tags and profile pictures don't do shit anywhere.