Hehe, but someone has to be antagonist. A topic where everyone agrees is pointless.
BF3 is not free 2 play, so it can't be pay 2 win
You have to pay to play. And this to me where the line is drawn. It isn't random or erratic. Pay to get a game = fine. pay to get DLC = fine. Pay to get all unlocks in a pay to play game = borderline. Why? Because it gets you a marginal advantage (in BF3 you can win on RANK 1 in (nearly) all situations) because you never play alone, what perk and weapon and attachment is pure taste, and 1 player has nearly no impact on a game, unless he is EXCEPTIONALLY good (and then it doesn't matter what weapons he uses). But in Tribes a single good player has a huge impact, he can do flag cap runs ad absurdum or defend by being properly equipped with near 99% success. A single player decides the game in Tribes, and if that player is already good, and he has bought the weapons he needs to be good, then that is pay to win in a semi-mild form. Because if you are not paying, you'd have to grind over 3 months to even unlock a single class and the optimal stuff for each situation.
But pre-order and get a super-pwn weapon of doom that pwns everyone for X months? That is imo pretty clear p2w in the purest form there is. Particularly Kickstarter promotes such idiocy. Because actual
customers are punished. (Kickstart funders are not customers)
And I do not dislike free to play games, I simply dislike when paying gets you such an absurd clear advantage that no matter your skill you can not compete on the same level, even if that advantage could be leveled by grinding 2 months.
And yeah, in BF3 there are situations pre-patch where a good heli pilot was god-like against pure rank 1's.. but given that you'd have to have some absurd luck not to have anyone in your team with a stinger or some RPG skill....
So to put it simply.
If you pay money for a gameplay advantage of any kind it is pay to win. There is no arguing there. That is what pay to win means on the web. So yes, the buying all unlocks in BF3.. that is pay to win. And I'd never do that.
By the way, I am often taking an opinion to keep the topic alive ;P If you'd really press me on an answer I'd have to say that the only reason I am not bashing BF3 for this unlock bxxxxxt is that there are legitimate reasons to have unlocks for sale, and that given how much experience I have in BF3, I can safely say that the unlock stuff is the prime drive of motivation to play this game at first. Paying to remove it is paying to destroy your own fun! ;p