Personally I'm not a fan of free-to-play because it's not a model which agrees with my gaming/purchasing preferences - but I think that's just me.
Me too, actually. I don't mind paying money for an enjoyable game, but I want to know
up front what it's going to cost me to "fully" enjoy what's been done. If that's one price, fine. If that's one price + another one for each expansion, fine, etc. Even if it's a subscription, I can live with that (if it's good enough) because it's definite. But when I gave DDO a try and saw the various "Turbine Point" packages and they had the nerve to
recommend I go for the $200 one because it was the best deal (TP/$ ratio) ... I, uh, yea. Not interested in dropping 200 dollars on that, and from what I could tell not even that would have covered all the content then present (leaving gameplay advantages completely out of the question).
So, has there been any actual talk about the game? As far as I can see the thread is a big MtG argument with some F2P/P2W arguing in the side.
Oh, there's a topic? Oops