Author Topic: Roguelikes  (Read 17602 times)

Offline Misery

  • Arcen Volunteer
  • Core Member Mark V
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Re: Roguelikes
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2012, 05:12:26 am »
Just came across this on steam:

The screenshots do not make me want this game. Anyone tried it? It can't possibly be more fun that Dungeons of Dreadmor?

I know this is from months ago, so any information probably doesn't help now. But regardless, I got this and really didn't get much fun out of it. I only played it a few times before just giving up out of boredom. It doesn't do much interesting and seems to be pretty badly balanced. I'm all for a challenge, but most of my experience was walking into a room full of monsters that it was mathematically impossible for me to beat given the skills I had and the health totals of the monsters. Kind of just not fun. I guess I might try it again one day if I ever see an update, but I don't think I've ever seen it patch itself since I downloaded it.

Unfortunately, that's pretty much accurate.   There just isnt enough (not even NEAR enough) to that game to warrant playing it.

Most of the "modes" are super-short, for instance (like, finish one or two floors, and that's it..... there's nowhere to go....), and the combat and items are overly simplistic.  I can see what the devs were going for, but.... games like Dredmor do it way better.  Dredmor has a nice, easy initial learning curve..... but it doesnt take long before you see just how DEEP it is, and how freaking difficult it can be.   It's a game with ALOT going on, but one that is friendly towards new players.

I personally think that inventory management is a complete shazbot unless you do it properly; IE realistic. You can't carry 16 guns around because you have 16 slots. You can't carry 16 guns because they weigh a ton together and so on. But most of that is just covering up a bigger problem: Why are you carrying those guns around in the first place and why does the game actively try to prevent you from carrying them?

I think the solution to inventory management is not having inventory management and only present the player with something worth picking up. Sure, you'll have 3000 swords lying around the dungeon after you are done, but they are just that, basic swords not worth the metal they're made of because there's so many.

Yeah, I agree.

This is why I like AVWW's way of doing things, with the enchants.  They are randomized, generated loot similar to that of Diablo, but the vast majority of them are actually USEFUL (depends on the player though), and I find myself carrying PILES of these around and switching out based on the situation;  THAT, to me, is way more fun than alot of RPGs where you just find weapons/equipment that are outright "better", and simply equip them, sell the old stuff.  Not to mention the way you get the enchants;  grabbing those reminds me of grabbing coins in the original Super Mario Bros, where any individual coins didn't DO anything, but once you hit 100, you got that extra life, and it was very satisfying.   Enchant charges are like that, and I enjoy that aspect.