So, playing AI war has gotten me thinking, which AIs in literature/gaming/ect would actually have the potential to turn into the sort of AI seen in this game. I'd like to hear other people's sugguestions to add to the list
So far my list consists of the following:
Allied Mastercomputer, I have no mouth and I must scream
-Hates all of humanity, plays with humans out of spite/hate, very similar in taunting methods to how the in-game voice taunts.
Deus, Shadowrun
-Sees humanity as tools to modify to serve him, aggressively tries to expand power.
Shodan (System Shock)
-Sees self as deity, and humans as impure creations to wipe out
Berserkers, Berserkers series
-Programmed to kill all non-machine life
Inhibitors, Revelation space
-Bent on restricting civlizations from expanding in this galaxy, not necessarily homicidal
Neuromancer/Wintermute combined construct, Neuromancer
-Willing to manipulate humans for its own gain. Largely uninterested in humans once it has gained full sentience. Possible explanation for the AI being so uninterested in actually finishing off humanity.
The following are notably NOT the AIWar AI:
Hal 9000, 2001 a Space Odyssey
-Cold and logical, only wipes out humanity since human-failure hinders the mission. Would leave non-interfering humans alone. IE: Human colonies and enclaves would be ignored if they stayed introverted, which is not the case.
Borg, Star Trek
-Collective AI, would assimilate captured human colonies rather than keep them functioning. And does not act with a singular centralized purpose as AIWar AIs do.
Cylons, Battlestar Galactica
-Non-collective AI, servants of another species (old series), or simply too individualistic to be the impartial AI seen in AIWar