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Question about posting threads and replies

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Why is it that when I post a thread or reply it takes me outside of the target thread? I always have to find the correct thread again to view it...

Rather annoying....

^just testing what you mean

Edit: darn , you are right..

I hope thats something fixable, i always wondered why it does that, thought its my browser o.o

Profile (between Search and My Messages) -> Look and Layout Preferences (left hand menu) -> Return to topics after posting by default (should be a tick box)


--- Quote from: quickstix on November 13, 2009, 07:59:48 am ---Profile (between Search and My Messages) -> Look and Layout Preferences (left hand menu) -> Return to topics after posting by default (should be a tick box)

--- End quote ---

Wow there are so many weird defaults options on this forum....

Like it doesn't notify you of PMs and this.. I thought there was another but atm I can't remember I just woke up XD


I also reverse the order of the threads, so when there is a new reply, rather than scrolling all the way through, the newest stuff is right at the top.


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