I realize that the Trojan War is a fictional event, but the simple fact that it was conceived and has survived the centuries speaks volumes to its appeal.
Right, and what other stories have survived the centuries? Oh, the story about a benevolent God who floods the entire world because the people HE MADE were being disobedient.
Yes, there's loads to learn from that.
What about the story of a prophet (Muhammad) who rapes 9 year old girls and makes them his wife? This story has been much more lasting and relevant than yours.
I wouldn't assume that just because a story has lasted through the ages that it has a positive or even relevant message.
Maybe I misunderstand your meaning of the sexualization of women. To me, there is not much difference between the objectification of women and natural sexual behavior - the latter causing the former.
There isn't much difference, but in the latter it doesn't take effor to do so, because it's our natural human instinct (as male) to look at females as sex objects. Part of a civilized society is getting away from our instincts, otherwise we'd all still be living in caves yes? cuddly hug actually happens all the time in the animal kingdom, and who is to say it's right or wrong? Male wants to have sex, sees attractive female, gets what he wants. Are you saying that because this is instinctually what he wants, we should condone it?
I'm going to assume not. Tying that to this discussion, our desire to turn women into sex objects is a very primal and uncivil thing to do, and it's something that we got away from for hundreds of years. Of course we'll never be COMPLETELY rid of it, because it's part of our natural instinct, but in many societies that have existed and still exist today, women are not seen as sexual objects. However, through the use of sexualized media and advertisements, we've gone back to a very primitive way of thinking and viewing things.
Women have always striven to be as sexually desirable as they can manage.
I'm actually very offended by that comment. To think that EVERY WOMAN who has EVER EXISTED has striven to be as sexually desirable as possible is just completely false. Many women have had higher ambitions than just trying to improve their physical looks in order to attract mates.
You bring up the Victorian era women as taught to be sexually restrained, but if you don't think they tried their hardest to be as sexually desirable as possible within the confines of the social structure of the day, then you only have to look at much of the art and advertisements of the period.
Like I said, it will never be perfect, but viewing women as people and not just sexual objects is the mark of a civilized society. Maybe it still happened to a degree in the Victorian Era (maybe it will always happen to a degree), but you're basically just proving my point that when it WAS happening, it was happening through media and advertisement. So thank you.
Sex sells, and it has always sold.
I won't argue with that. The reason it has been used is because it sells so well, but it has also adversely affected our culture in the process.
Much of society's ills can be laid at the feet of the media, but I don't think the media caused the objectification of women.
I'll disagree with you there. There is nobody else who gains a profit from the social sexualization of women than businesses and the media.
By your own same logic, the reason Toddlers in Tiaras is so profitable and popular is because we as human creatures sexually desire small children. I'm not buying that, and I don't think it's been true for most of human history, even if you'd like to argue the point. The media has created this interest, for most of the population it was not there before.
But anyway, if we want to continue this discussion it's probably better to make another thread. I've said my piece, and just because I disagree with this video game, it doesn't mean nobody else should be able to.