Been in the Beta since PAX. I was going to make a thread here but decided not to, but it's a really good game if you can get some actual organized battles. Even random Zerging is pretty fun, but when you have an outfit or squad together it is even more so.
I personally
love the logistics focus, piloting a Galaxy or Sunderer is really satisfying because you feel like you're really helping your team. Of course, it's in closed beta so there aren't a lot of people playing, so less people will tend to get in your transport unless you have a pre-arranged squad, but when you do it's a great feeling.
This video gives you a good idea of what squad combat is like. And even that is just a smaller engagement with minimal vehicle support, in larger battles you'd see dropships ferrying troops in, bombers overhead dropping bombs, Sunderers moving in and acting as advance spawn stations and more.
Honestly this is one of my favorite games of late.
But of course, beta is beta so there are a lot of bugs. Instant action tends to drop you in random locations (once it even put me right by the enemy spawn point, it took a while to get back.) and there's a particurlarly annoying "Fall through the floor" bug when you spawn, but it's being improved.