The fact that the AI works fine most of the time would point to other issues though
I just had an interesting game against brutal AI's where all 3 AI's worked exceptionally well with mod, so this is a uber issue that only happens SOME times.
Firstly, about 13 minutes in the first nuke fell, killing my retarded AI ally instantly. Despite the fact that there wasn't any sat in orbit the missile aimed perfectly at the cmd (and then at mine, but I survived because I was running to my missile protection) how the AI knew where to aim I do not know. I checked in replay and it had no information on that spot.
Secondly, I tested throwing a planet at another planet, and whover coded that system was a RETARD. So how does it work? Well easy, you build as many thrusters as are displayed in the overview the planet needs. Once done, you press "annihilate with" after which it makes you select the planet you want to hit. All fine so far, the problem is this. It does not tell you what absurd orbital path the game will use, and this means you have absolutely NO INDICATION where it will travel.
Bottom line, the planet hit my own planet despite that being impossible to tell from the aiming screen (the games orbits make zero sense when you have played KSP too much ;p) this was game-ending, because it hit my cmd... so yeah. With no way to tell that it was going to do that, and no way to SEE where it was going before giving the order this is the absolute dumbest system I ever so far found in the game.
Well, at least until that happened the game was pretty fun. For once I had no issues and the balance mod works fabulously
That the game does not tell you that you are about to throw a planet at yourself (because the orbit magically intersects) and not at the target is pretty low.
But at least it showed some of the potential this game has in skirmish.
Ps.: After more tests I found the reason for the AI problem... apparently if you set the AI on NORMAL the AI can get dead-locked because it builds no factories or the delay to build one is so large that by the time the AI wants to build something it checks whether it needs more mines and builds that instead and then gets locked up again. I could now play 2 games with working AI setting AI on "Hard" very weird issue.
Against hard AI it's also much harder to actually amass 1000 units ;p But I still dislike the orbital control scheme. It's super confusing to rotate around the poles of a planet. And there is no proper mini-map. I find the PiP is only useful to quickly get from A to B to A. And there are "camera" bookmarks that help as well, but when it comes down to it I wish we could have flat maps again ,)