Yeah he doesn't express a particularly extreme opinion either way. Talks a little about the possibility of Uber just not putting up the alpha, but he also talks about the idea that maybe they really didn't have enough money. Talks about how double fine needed their own humble bundle even after a huge kickstarter. He did bring up one major interesting point. At the time he made this video, Planetary Annihilation was on the top sellers list, around 3rd place. It's still pretty far up there even now, competing with Skyrim Complete. So basically, people who are complaining are really just a vocal majority and the game is actually selling really well. There's another important point he brought up that I really agree with; the metacritic thing. The idea that people who haven't played the game were able to rate the game based solely on its price, despite it even being an incomplete product. The user metacritic reviews were something that 'just made him sad' and to me it's actually downright shameful. You can hate it all you want, you can not buy it all you want, but how pathetic is it to cry to the heavens that it's a bad game when you don't know anything about it other than the price? Thankfully, the page has been taken down.
Regardless he talks about it for like 9 minutes so I'm not going to try to condense all of that down. Those were the points that stood out to me that weren't really discussed much here