So I got weak and bought this.. netcode is bad, obviously.. client side prediction should never be used... and have to admit match making is keeping me on a clean 50:50 win-loss ratio but it does no longer feel rigged like in the beta... and I've had my fair share of close games, some rofl stomps, 3 times it joined me into a straight loss with barely seconds on the clock. But 3 times it joined me in a win with barely seconds on the clock.. so yay? ;P
Kinda fun game, let's hope they add more maps/characters...
I was in the odd situation of playing 1 day with old and 1 day with new version so the changes were really jarring for me. The real nerf is on McCree who can now no longer 1 shot + burst everything. Widowmaker change is good, only downside is it's pretty hard to actually see where the head is on some of those hulky characters.
Overall I enjoy playing it..