Author Topic: Online Card Games Thread  (Read 40150 times)

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #105 on: March 02, 2017, 05:22:53 pm »
The message thing is kind of... silly. You have to click another tab on the message site and then go back to the tab with the messages. Happens most of the times with the tickets.

Don't trade with the cat merchant, at least not until you know the value of your cards. He makes most of the time deals that aren't that great but sometimes he can give you true valuable cards you want at any time. That's how I got my Angel Orperia card.

On terms of crashs: That migth just be your ohone running out of memory. of course this is to soem extend the fault of the game because it seems not be fully optimised. Closing other apps before might help.

Offline WolfWhiteFire

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #106 on: March 02, 2017, 06:22:21 pm »
So when the cat merchant offers you a deal and multiple cards are shown on his side, does that mean that you get those cards if you accept or that you can choose one of those cards if you accept?

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #107 on: March 02, 2017, 07:15:39 pm »
You get all these cards and you give all cards he wants. You can however ask for different cards, either on your side or on his side. if he offers soemtign good, you might want to ask if you can give him other cards.
Best is, that you first learn what the staple cards are in this game. This are cards, that are good in general, the wiki also gives you an idea in which mode they are better (PvE or PvP)l:
Might not be entirely up to date, some cards got nerfed, also the newest se is not in.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #108 on: April 23, 2017, 03:13:46 am »
Playing a lot of Plants vs Zombies Heroes lately. They've released a new challenge mode that allows you to play a challenge each day of the week to gather event points (points you need to unlock the current event card), which makes it a lot easier to get event cards. After you finished all 7 challenges in the week, you get a free premium pack (I don't know why they still call it that because there are no basic packs anymore).
In my opinion "Electric Boogaloo" needs a serious buff and the newly introduced event cards don't fix the problem at all. Well, maybe a little.
But first let me explain something because I doubt anyone plays this game or at least as much as I do.
In PvsZ Heroes heroes are made of two classes instead of one hero being a class in himself (like in any other Hearthstone clone, I mean card game to this day). Because of this system, you have a wider varity of cards you can use on your heroes but they still relate to the strategies, the hero can use. More so because unlike mentioned clones, there are no neutral cards in Heroes that benefit all heroes.

The game has also the feature that it has asynchronous rounds. Zombies get the first round but can only play creatures, plants than get the next round and can play both creatures and spell and react to placed zombies, then zombies can play spells and react to created threats, after that the battle starts and all zombies and plants battle each other if they sit in the same lane, otherwise they attack the opponent hero directly.
Because of this system, plants and zombies use different cards, because plants can counter pretty much any zombie without zombies having the ability to play new zombies to block damage, some zombies get for example the "gravestone" trait which allows them to be played safely as "gravestone" where they are immune to damage and spells (unless its gravebuster). Plants however get creatures that can be played in the same lane, using one plant to tank damage of incoming gravestone zombies for example while the other deals damage. They have strong control spells to secure that they are still safe, even with the extra turn on the zombie side.

Now back to Electric Boogaloo. He is a disco-themed zombie hero and his classes are crazy and beastly. Crazy cards are strong creatures with lot of damage, but little hp, basically almost every creature in that tribe has only 1 hp which means even a 1 cost plant can kill it easily. Plus, almost no gravestones (not that it would save it, blocked is blocked). Since zombies play first, you can basically not use your cards to block plants but they can do it the other way. Then there is the annoying card "sour grapes" which costs 4 sun and deals 1 damage to each zombie. In Electric Boogaloos case this means his entire field is down. Electric Boogaloo relies on running down the opponent with cheap creatures that deal huge damage but can easily be removed.
His other class, beastly, allows him to play more tanky but weaker creatures but offers him some strong removal spells like locust swarm which destroys any plant for 5 brains. His main strategy is to swarm the board quickly with cheap but strong zombies to finish the opponent hero quickly. You can use disco zombie to play two creatures for 3 brains, which offers a nice start but both creatures have only 1 health and can easily be taking down. A common strategy is to swarm the field with disco zombies and then play a flamenco zombie which deals 2 direct damage to the opponent for evey dance related zombie.With a field of 3 dance zombies plus the fourth flamenco zombie (fifth lane is water and there are no dance zombies for the water lane) you can deal a max of 8 damage (of 20 max hp).
The problem with this strategy is, Eleectric Boogallo has no draw mechanics. None. His entire theme is centered around plaing a lot of cheap creatures but he runs out quickly of cards because he has zero cards to draw new cards except one of his super powers that let's him get one new card. It's pretty much over once you have only one card in your hand, since all his zombies can be instakilled and he cannot draw enough cards to make up for it.
I hope "Secret Agent" (which will come out soon as event card) will help him a little. It let's you pull back one zombie from the field and gives it a +3/+3 boost. That way you can recycle your already used cards and give them a much needed stat boost. Like Flamenco Zombie, use his ability twice if you didn't get enough damage the first time. For only 1 cost it is also a cheap card which fits in Boogaloos theme.

Until then he is pretty much defenseless in most situations unless you are evry lucky with your draws while the opponent has terrible draws.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #109 on: May 04, 2017, 12:59:36 pm »
Huh, surprisingly the Zombie High Diver is better than I thought. The zombie has very average stats (3 brains, 2/3) plus the gravestone trait. If placed on the elevated lane, he moves to the water lane and gets +1/+1. A 3/4 card int he water lane is very strong for 3 costs, no amphibious plant card with the same costs can deal with it. You can even buff this zombie more if you use headstone carver which gives gravaestone zombies additional +1/+1, making it a 4/5 card. At first I underestimated this card but then I realized that pretty much every deck that does not have access to ambphibious cards has a hard time. The player has to use his strong removals on the card which means he has to divide his control crads between the high diver and my other cards.

On another note, Duelyst has released a new game mode, called "Rift mode". Rift mode gives you a deck with only basic cards at the start and you can play against other decks. If you win or loose, you accumalte xp, once you have enough, your deck levels up and you get an upgrade point. You can use this upgrade point to replace any card of the deck with another one. the game prompts you 6 randomly chosen cards fromt he game, you can even get cards from other factions and use them in your deck. You can win and losse as many times as you want in this mode, he ends at the end of the month and instead you have a "Rift Rating" which acts as measurement how good you are with the deck. Wins net you more points, losses reduce your rating. Appearently there are no rewards for now but they might give out something for high performers at the end of the month. The mode is really interesting for experimenting and testing new strategies and it keeps the game fresh between the usual ranked grind.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #110 on: May 25, 2017, 10:27:57 pm »
Here are some thoughts on some card games I recently tested. This is simply my own personal opinion and may not mirror the general opinion of any of the games.

I go ahead with the one I like the least: Gwent
This thing is the most boring card game I've palyed ina  while. It's based on soem Witcher 3 minigame I've heard. I never played Wither 3 but if the entire minigame was like this, I cannot believe that they thought making an entire game out of this was a good idea. Bah, anyway, this might not reflect what others think about this game, so I just make this quick. Not, that there would be any deep gameplay aspects into this game.
Gwent recently launched into an open Beta and people were hyped for it, so I was curious why so many people praised the game so much and downloaded it. I was so much disappointed there. Gwent is pretty much a tug of war. Instead of reducing the enemy to zero hp, what every other card game does, they thought of something new. All cards played have a power stat and the cumulative power stats present your strength, if yours is higher than your opponents, you win. There is nothign more to it, the person who lays the cards with the bigger numbers wins and that's pretty much all. Of course there is more to it, you can lay down cards that damage opponent cards (like normal), to reduce the number of your opponent or some cards play additional cards from your deck, so you get your bigger number sooner.
The twist in this is, your hand gets not refreshed each turn, you don't draw cards after each turn, instead you have to manage your cards across 3 rounds and you have to win two of them. Playing all your cards in one turn might earn you a victory but after that you start the next round barehanded and cannot win any further matches. That's all there is to the game and while the different card abilities might make the game a little more interesting and give you soem sort of planning what to play in which round and which order, the game is so boringly presented that I couldn't dig further in. Tie this to the fact, that abilities are poorly explained and many cards don't give you good examples, what they actually do. You have to test anything and still won't fully udnerstand it in the end. Building your deck is also pretty much useless since you draw only a small amount of cards from your deck and the extra cards are just there for "okay, you cannot get all the big goons you want on your hand, there is a chance you get shit". Of course there are abilities that allow you to pull more cards from your deck but why? The game would perfectly function without this, would be the same game in the end.

Minion Masters
Another disaster. This one actually looks more interesting than Gwent but fails on the execution. Minion Masters plays a little like a "Moba card game" if you want to say it like this. Yo play in some sort of arena that is divided in two halfs and connected with two bridges, that your minions can cross. You can play minions only on your half but spells on any half, additonally you have a master (simply a hero, like in any game these days) that attacks every enemy minion that enters your arena side. Minions move and act automatically after you've placed them, they try to cross the nearest bridge and reach the enemy master (like the ancient in Dota), to attack him. If they coem across other minions, they will stop and attack them. If your minions cross a bridge, you will "claim" the bridge and it will generate xp for your master. Your master can get up to three bonus abilities, that enhance him, add additional cards to your deck or boost your minions. The masters have their own distinguish abilities, Scratbo for example summons a small creature once you summon another minion, at his highest level he summons two creatures for every minion you summon. So decks built around him are best filled with lot of spamable creatures to overwhelm the enemy master.
The game concept sounds nice but fails in multiple ways. Because the game runs in real time instead of roudn based, the person who can lay down his cards faster, usually gets the upper hand. Of course there is a mana restriction but the general tactic I found in many games is simply, that people play many cheap cards and swarm their opponent until he cannot react fast enough to answer all the threats. The game has the problem that there are AoE counters in the game but they are not plentiful enough, weak or simply rare to obtain.
On the field it's also hard to distinguish cards and what they do, if you don't have them yourself. If your opponent plays a rare card you never saw before, you don't know how to counter it. Many cards have their own role and are coutnered with something. Swarm creatures are cheap and come with multiple minions at once, are countered by AoE. Flying minions cannot be attacked by most ground units but still attack them, but they are countered by ranged units. Ranged units are... pretty much the solution to anythign I found out, that's why the standard ranged master is played so often. Ranged units have the benefit to deal damage from range, often come in big numbers and are cheap. Counters? Your own ranged creatures or strong spells. Decks full of spells don't function very well for the obvious reasont hat you still need enough minions to take down the enemy master.
Another very bad aspect are rewards. You lost? You get around 2-7 gold. You need 1000 for one card. A single, random card costs 1000 in this game. It doesn't help, that you get a free card per day because the free cards are crap. In fact, your starting cards are crap. The entire section of basic cards is terrible. The game is awefully balanced, most cards are useless and only a tiny amount is really good. And these cards are overpowered as hell. Good luck getting this cards. Adding to the fact, how much a single card costs and how little you are rewarded for playing, it will take forever to get anything useful or even winning your first match.
Doesn't look very good, if you then add a premium upgarde, that rewards you with double the amount of gold. "Pay to win much?"
I really would want to like this game. The idea is brilliant, the ake of Moba with card game sounds so nice. But they ruined the game with the fact, that everything is unbalanced and nearly unplayable for beginners.

There was an extra thread for this and boy, was Wingflier excited for this game. It surprises me, that he didn't already jump on the game, when the public Alpha launched.
Anyway, Shardbound is here but still unfinished (Early Access). The game plays similiar to Duelyst. Thay said it would be something like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire emblem and I said already then, this game is not gonna be anything like that and I was 100% correct. It's not entirely the same as Duelyst but it is very close to it. There are some major differences, both in the style of cards and in general gameplay aspects.
In Duelyst you can play any creature next to anything you've played before. You can "grab" enemies with creature conga lines, if they are out of reach normally. This does not work here, because creatures can only be summoned on your starting side of the map. Additionaly maps are shaped different instead of just having a different background. This adds to the gameplay as well because of some rules. Ranged units can only attack enemies in line of sight, boulds and hills block this, your own units block this as well, you can use units to build a "shield wall" against ranged units just like with melee units. Duelyst does not offer this, ranged units (and Songhai because of this) were always top tier, because they could attack from anywhere, anyone, making it hard to coutner them unless you "grab" them as mentioned above or you use your removal spells/abilites. I liek Shardbounts way of dealing with this more.
Another difference is, units that attacked can still move afterwards, if they haven't already. In Duelyst an attack meant that your action was used, units with "povke" meant that you couldn't kill them and move away afterwards, in Shardbound you can hit and run, to distance yourself from the rest of the enemy mob. Shardbound has also no provoke, which means there is no way to force someone to attack a specific unit. Bodyblocking is currently the only way to do so.
There are currently 6 factions in the game plus a neutral one (that every faction has access to). I've played 3 of them and can only judge about them so far.

Steelsinger are a mechanic faction, that uses robots in battle. The robots can be upgraded on summon, if you add additional mana. This way, they get one of two extra abilities. You can either summon a cheap unit or a stronger but more expensive one. Additonally Steelsinger is the faction with the most ranged units and as it currently seems the strongest faction. I see Steelsinger more than anything else in the game and most of the time they win. The whole upgrade system is too strong because they play already strong creatures with additional abilities.

Packrunner was weak until it got a major overhaul. They were a simple swarm faction before, that relied on summoning "primals" and buffed them with specific cards, now they have more varity and more viability. Packrunenrs still are swarming creatures with primals and play very aggressive. They can now also bond cards, so two cards get the same ability but loose them, if any of the bonded creatures dies. Additonally primals now get benefits, if enemy creatures are injured. They get stronger or finish of injured enemies.

Landshaper use the whole map to your benefit. They use boulders as summoning anchor and because of this can summon units even on the enemy side (some other cards can do this as well but the boulder creatures are a little stronger). they also plant seedlings, that change the map to their liking, seedlings can heal neabry units or grow poisoning tiles. Landshapers are propably the faction that depends the most on what map you get.

An interesting take in Shardbound is, that your hero is not the only unit with an activateable ability. Some units have abilities, that you can use for mana, these abilities can used each round.
What I currently don't liek about the game is that it's full ov Placeholder Art. Almost every card has the same game model with the same animations. This makes mateches very confusing because everything looks the same except 2-4 cards. It makes it also harder to memorize the cards because there is no recognition value.
And like they said, they integrated Twitch so deep into the game, that it turns me a little off. I don't like how Twitch is handled nowadays and it shouldn't be an integral part of any game.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 09:14:25 am by TheVampire100 »

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #111 on: May 26, 2017, 08:36:54 am »
Minion Masters was never meant to be a proper TCG of any sort, or even remotely like one.

Look up Clash Royale, if you've never seen that game (ultra-popular competitive mobile game).   Minion Masters is basically a clone of that.

It's a real shame, too.  This is from the same developer that made Forced Showdown, which is absolutely fantastic.  I was really disappointed to see them jumping on this particular bandwagon after putting out that awesomeness previously.  So I didn't really bother with this one myself.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #112 on: May 26, 2017, 10:07:44 am »
Okay, I looked up Clash Royale and yes, it's literally the sam egame. And to no surprise, it's from Supercell, the company behind Hay Day and Clash of Clans. Even the look is almost the same. I cannot express my antipathy enough for this game. I still cannot believe, people think it's a great game. And because of this it does not surprise me, that people take it directly from Supercell's greedy hands.
Clash of Clans was the most awreful example of Freemium gaming where it took a week to finish a single building. An entire week to wait until you can use that building! Of course if you don't intend to pay for it to go faster.
Peopel tried to copy the popular formular of Clash of Clans all over and it does not surprise me, that now people attempt to do so with their next "hit".

Anyway, here is another good game I found.

Labyrinth is not a traditional trading card game, it's more like a RPG with collectible cards. I really like this one, so far it's the most interesting one from what I've seen recently. I can only recommend this to people, who want to try out something new from the typical Hearthstone clone attempts.
In Labyrinth you play as a group of 3 adventurers that stepped into a dungeon and your goal is to defeat the boss. Each character has his own deck that you can customize and like in a typical RPG, you have typical roles that each character fills. You have the traditional warrior that stands on the front and takes mostof the hits while dealing damage out himself, you have the mage who casts spells from the background to hurt the enemy or support your team and you have the thief who can move quickly across the board and backstabs enemies.
There are more roles and you can customize your party to your liking. You start with 4 different characters and more can be bought fromt he in-game store.
Cards are either tied to a character class or to a specific character (signature card), the character class specifies what the role of the character is an how his deck is played, the character himself has different abilities that are unique to him.
Matches in Labyrinth work asynchronous, the active player plays the dungeon party (his 3 hero decks) while the other side is played by the AI. The dungeon/boss deck is created by players and cannot directly be played, the idea behind the game is to design a challenging dungeon experience for other players and predict, how the AI would react and what cards you should put into the deck.

Matches are turn-based on a 3d grid. You can move the active character around and lay down a card. Each card has "tick" costs that show how long the action lasts, that you played. At the top of the screen is a bar the shows the order of the characters, that can act, if you play a card, your active character moves that many ticks to the right, stronger cards mean that it takes a longer time until you can play a new card. That way the game generates a dynamic turn order instead of the stiff "your turn, enemy's turn, your turn, enemy's turn"-system that everyone else creates. You can influence directly, how many times you can attack, before the opponents react or if you want to take a risk and deal big damage but are vulnerable for several ticks. Soem cards can hasten or slow the tick counter.
The goal in a match is to kill the boss, you automatically win, even if all other minions are still alive (similiar to defeating the general/hero in Duelyst/Shardbound). You loose, if all 3 characters die but as long as a single character is still alive, you can continue the fight.
The boss plays minions, traps and attacks acording to his deck and all minions he plays act individually.
Each character class generates a special resource (similiar to mana) through various means, warriors add up rage if they deal damage for an example. These resources can be used to play special cards or get additonal effects on cards.
Most cards are attacks but some cards are equipment, that allows your hero to ply a standard card each turn and not relying on his card draws. Each hero stars with some standard equipment, additional equipment can be placed in your deck to replace it during a match.
After dungeon runs, your heros level up, which gives them "perk stars". These can be used to activate special "perk cards" that give your hero passive abilities. Perk cards are obtained through leveling or through packs and are essential for your hero strategy. They give you the permanent boost to not rely on your card draws.
Overall the game looks very good and so far I had fun with it. Fromt he reveiws however I hear, that the game is unfair balanced to new players ina  way, that you are matched with stronger players, that play longer than you and have better cards (many mention "p2w") and beat you easily. I cannot say so myself but I haven't played it very long so far, I just beat the tutorial and played some matches afterwards.

Offline Draco18s

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #113 on: May 26, 2017, 11:11:02 am »
I inadvertently played Spellstone last night.

It was shit, just like I'd assumed from the ads. Your creatures are lined up with the enemy's and each can only attack directly across the divide. As things die (when the turn ends), the whole line shifts to the left.

Your hand is 3 cards, some creatures take multiple turns to simmon, and the occasional rare critter has an ability that deals an extra damage to a random opponent.

There's no sense of strategy at all. Just summon something, wait for the attacks to play out, repeat.

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #114 on: May 26, 2017, 11:51:43 am »
This is from Kongregate, right? I've seen this on the app store. I've played this one shortly and was quickly bored with the execution.
Want to know what's worse? they made the same game multiple times, just with different artworks/themes. There is another one with a sci-fi theme and I rmember at least a third one but don't knwo what the theme of that one was.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #115 on: May 26, 2017, 02:20:32 pm »
Yep. Kongregate. I got suckered into it because the ui offered me an easy badge I didn't have. Played just long enough to acquire it.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #116 on: May 28, 2017, 07:42:02 pm »

I finally hit Legend in Elder Scrolls: Legends.

Honestly, I've played a lot of amazing online card games. But ESL is the one I keep coming back to. I finally hit Legend after about 6 months of playing, though I was never trying really hard.

The point is, I already have most of the entire game's collection (including the expansion) without needing to spend a dollar.

I've paid $10 basically just to support the company (just some cosmetic shit), but the game itself is the most generous Online Card Game I've ever played, and you can make any deck you want relatively quickly just by playing an hour a day.
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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #117 on: May 29, 2017, 06:39:38 pm »
Gratz on that.
Because you compliment the game all the time, I finally picked it up and finished the campaign. I like the idea, that you can level up your cards to make them more useful, what I don't like is, that most upgradable cards are shit until you upgrade them.
The game is pretty much Hearthstone all over again but which card games nowadyas aren't? The lane mechanic however is a good idea. It gives players a better chance that their minions stay on the board for a round instead of just getting one shotted directly after placed. It also adds some tactics on placement.
General I like this more than Hearthstone because it builds on the generally good system of Hearthstone, but improves on that formular. hearthstone would be actually a really good game, if they would have enhanced the whole system and wouldn't hug up the balancing with each new expansion.

Because you mentioned generous rewards, Shardbound is really generous too. You get a reward for the first win of the day and rewards after several wins ina  week. Additionally you can play on so-called shardfalls. These shardfalls have three conditions, the first two are always "Play with any faction" and "win iwth any faction" the thrid is randomly decided. Fulfilling any condition breaks one of the nine locks of the vault on the shard, breakign a vault results in a big reward. The first vault of the day gives the most rewards. Basically after 9 macthes, 5 victories or 3 wins with all 3 conditions you can get your daily bonus. Opening a vault gives you Chroma (needed to buy packs) and packs.
A pack contains 3 randoms cards of a single rarity (all could be common or all could be legendary) but you can choose only one to keep. Since boxes come regulary, even if you get only one card per pack, you soon get a nice collection. I recommend getting first a good amount of neutral cards, so you have some good cards in all factions, so you can unlock the basic cards of that factions easier.
I've also played the remaining factions and can now tell what the others do.

Wayfinders are centered aroudn spells, similiar to what Songhai in Duelyst does. However, unlike Songhai, they are not a strong control faction and instead use spells to buff their minions. They also have a lot of minions that get a boost if they are on a hill. Additionally they play 2/1 token flyers, which opens up a lot of free movement for them which relates to their name of being "wayfinders".

Fatekeepers are more of a control faction, mostly they mess with time manipulation which translates into playing minions (own and opposing ones) back to the hand, swapping cards fom your hand with ones from your deck, drawning extra cards and teleporting minions around on the field. They mill through there deck with constant draw mechanics and many minions even benefit from drawing these cards, some get a stat boost for example. Fatekeeper can be a really annyoing but otherwise a little underwhelming faction. if you don't get the control over the board, you loose, because fatekeepers lack strong minions that other factions have.

Bloodbinder is the typical death faction that we've seen a hundred times and will see another hundred times. Bloodbinders spam the board with 1/1 zombie-like "Thralls", similiar to the Abyssians in Duelyst. Their cards synergize with teh Thralls, either if Thralls die, they get a boost, they can "consume" Thralls to appear anywhere on the field or you simply can resummon thralls from your graveyard (among other minions), it's pretty much a "zombie apocalypse" deck, where you try to overwhelm your foe with many cheap and replacable minions whiel preparing your big threats in the background.

I've played also Royal Clash, wouldn't imagined that I find soemthign worse then Minion Masters. Since this is from Supercell, this shouldn't have surprised me, then again, no other card game (and it is a card game in a way, even if it's in real time) does this. What I'm talking about is the fact, that you have to wait real time until you can open a pack. Basically, the gives you chests for victories, these chests contain gold and of course cards you need for your deck. The thing is, the most basic chest (not counting the chests from the tutorial) take 3 hours to open. And you can open only one chest at a time. Plus, you can store only 5 chests at once, any other chest after that gets discarded.
You can speed up the process with gems, of course. The next chest after that one lasts 8 hours, wouldn't surprise me, if they have chests, that take a whole day to unlock. Whoever came up with this concept should better kicked out. From the 10th floor of a building. Seriously, this is the most cancerous concept I've ever seen in a card game, this is already garbage in these freemium games but in a card game, that requires you to constantly update your deck, this is not tolerable. Deleted the shit directly after that.
To kick you even more in the nuts, you can level up cards, so they are stronger, so basically every double you get, adds to the xp of the cards instead of getting shards or anything like that, to buy cards directly fromt he collection screen. This also means that two players with the same cards might still be unequal because one player has his cards leveled up more. Oh, plus, the more cards you've leveled up, the stronger is your kign level which increases the hp and strentgh of your hero and towers (who are the endgoal of the game). Really nice, yeah.
How can this comnpany still get away with this ripoffs? Advertisements, probably. You see their shitty ads in literally every other free game and always on top in the app store. Nice bribing system there, Apple.
Minion Masters almost looks like a nice game compared to this. Almost. I'm just playing it 'til my achievment percentage is above my average.

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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #118 on: May 30, 2017, 11:24:01 am »
Very much in the spirit of this discussion, here is a list of 9 card games which aren't Hearthstone:

This is a very good list, and these 9 games are probably among the best alternatives to the original Online Card Game giant.
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Re: Online Card Games Thread
« Reply #119 on: May 30, 2017, 04:32:11 pm »
After reading this I finally remembered I still have that game installed and straight away won solo arena in ES: Legends (9 victories, 2 losses) first time and gotta say that was pretty fun, and I even got a pretty decent neutral unique out of it (card pack, 140 gold, 3 cards, 90 crystals) so that was pretty good rewards actually. Although my casual matches all put me against people with heavy combo and unique decks I flat out can't compete against unless I put in tons of removal and silence in my deck... (I have a pilfer/drain deck with some decent synergies, but it ain't competitive yet). Not an immensely huge fan of upgrading cards via leveling, but I can see why they did that, it gives you a pretty strong incentive to continue playing even if you lose in matches.

My only problem is that I feel like I should be grinding the addon campaign unlock (3000 gold...) because its got new cards, right?

What I don't get about ES: Legends is how card packs work. When it says core card pack, does that mean I don't get expansion cards AT ALL. So I really gotta grind (or pay) to unlock the 2nd campaign to get access to THOSE card packs?
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