hey there - thanks for taking the time to reply. i have some followup questions.
1 - We are not in any way "pay to win" we hate this ourselves as gamers.
at the 100$ tier you give a bonus of 20% to your planets population - now i dont know what population actually does in your game, but i figure stuff like building and reserch goes faster the more pop. you have. if my assumption is right, that would mean that i will always have more population than anybody who just payed 50$. (assuming again that population grows over time.
so if i start with 100 population, the other guy started with 120 - giving him an advantage.
again, offcourse - i am just assuming, so maybe you could clear up what population does.
. All units are replaced for free after coming back online.
How exactly does that work?
Lets assume i have a planet, and a fleet guarding it. i go offline and someone decides to take over this planet with his bigger and better fleet. so he crushes my ships and takes over the planet. now i log back in again and see that i have lost said planet - where are my ships? have they just respawned over the (now enemy) planet where i left them? or are they respawned at the nearest friendly planet?
is it possible at all to take over a planet of a player if he isnt online?
it seems kinda pointless to me to attack someone who is off, fight his ships (and have losses of your own which dont respawn) only to see them come back at full strenght when the player rejoins. seems like the defender has always the advantage as long as he isnt actually playing the game... dont know if this is smart. but maybe i am making wrong assumptions again.
New questions:
1. How are you balancing the player progression? is it time-based or action-based? Or in other words, how can a new player keep up with someone who is playing for a year already? eve online does an awesome job at this, you will always be behind a veteran player overall, but you can catch up with him in a single aspect pretty fast. how are you dealing with this problem?
2. non-conset based pvp is awesome, when done right. and again i think eve does an awesome job at it - whil it technically allows pvp everywhere (you can shoot everytime at someone else and kill him) it punishes you if you do it in certain areas (highsec).
if you dont implemnt such a ruleset people will constantly be at war - now this may be good if both forces are somewhat equal - but if a group of veterans decide to camp a galaxy of newbies, the fun ends pretty quickly. and i will take any bet that people will do this just to hug other people over... just imagine the havok groups like the goonsquad could do. have you thought about this?
3. following the second question: i read that you are safe on your home planet because of the fortress-shield (or whatever) so that you cant really lose the game (ala gameover), but what if a player beats me so far back that all i have is my homeplanet and he is settled on all the planets around me, blocking everything... what do i do now? i cant buld up enough fighting power to ever beat him from that single planet - the game is pretty much over for me at this point - no?
4. quick question: is a osx version planed?
so thanks for answering and good luck