Author Topic: (music related) what music (if any) are you listening to at the moment?  (Read 19891 times)

Offline tigersfan

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* Morning jacket's new album is not good. I could not finish it on Rhapsody (yes, I do legal music). I don't really think they play their instruments very well, and they sound like they are wailing.

When I read this, I didn't want to believe it, but man... it's TERRIBAD. I think they are fine instrumentalists, but, the songwriting on this album is just really lack luster, very un-MMJ like. Makes me sad as I was really looking forward to this one. Damn.

Offline wwwhhattt

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okay bit of a weird one here does anybody else like listening to soviet Russian music? disclaimer I'm aware soviet Russia was a horrible mess of a country but holy shit balls did they make some dam good music
I've been meaning to listen to some Profokiev and Shostakovich for a while now, not to mention some of the early futurist stuff they had going on before Stalin Stalined the place up, but still not got around to it. Any suggestions?

Offline crazyroosterman

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okay bit of a weird one here does anybody else like listening to soviet Russian music? disclaimer I'm aware soviet Russia was a horrible mess of a country but holy shit balls did they make some dam good music
I've been meaning to listen to some Profokiev and Shostakovich for a while now, not to mention some of the early futurist stuff they had going on before Stalin Stalined the place up, but still not got around to it. Any suggestions?
em not exactly yesterday I just happened to come across the definitive collection of the Russian choir granted its pretty great but apart from that in till I get round to do more research not really I'm afraid.

Offline crazyroosterman

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i don't know why this thread died but id like to revive by saying that I recently purchased an album from a band glory hammer called 1992 rise of the chaos wizards its lovably fantastic and has made me decide to do a bit of branching into other genres
also enougher album I discovered which I really like even though I wish I could find an instrumental version since I hate the vocals of it

its not like this threads not relevant any more after really it will never be irrelevant i can revive it over and over again really.

Offline wwwhhattt

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Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards is one of the greatest album titles of all time (and fits the music perfectly)! I never really got into that style of music though, not too sure why.

Currently listening to Gonjasufi, more generally been getting into Broadcast in a big way.

Offline Kahuna

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I recently purchased an album from a band glory hammer called 1992 rise of the chaos wizards its lovably fantastic
Haha that's awesome. Recently I've been listening to Gloryhammer too! Power metal taken to the next level (over 9k). Gloryhammer is what happens when a dungeons and dragons session gets out of hard. Nerd metal should I say. I actually did my new record (3222m (~2 miles)) in the Cooper test (basically run as far as you can in 12 minutes) while listening to Gloryhammer.
1. Universe On Fire
2. Angus McFife
3. The unicorn invasion of Dundee
Imo the top 3 tracks from Gloryhammer and they also conviniently add up to 12 minutes 2 seconds which is perfect for the Cooper test. It's the power, cheesyness and the high BPM that make these tracks excellent for running. While running at 16,5 km/h (~10,3 mph) the beat goes pretty much hand in hand with steps. I've managed to condition myself to get really pumped up whenever I listen to any of those 3 tracks. Got to listen to them sparingly.

Holy Knights and Dragon Force also have some pretty good nerd metal
Holy Knights - Love Against the Power of Evil
Holy Knights - Gate Through the Past
DragonForce - Storming the Burning Fields
DragonForce - Three Hammers

More stuff
Iron Fire - Blacksmith of Thunder (Bonus Track)
Stratovarius - Eagleheart
Edguy - We Don't Need a Hero
Exumer - I Dare You
Abominable Putridity - Wormhole Inversion

Gotthard - Dirty Devil Rock
Dare - Abandon
Billy Talent - Afraid Of Heights
Nickelback - When We Stand Together
Brother Firetribe - Devil's Daughter

^^I've moved from listening to electronic music to listening to metal, rock, alternative etc almost completely.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 05:53:57 am by Kahuna »
set /A diff=10
if %diff%==max (
   set /A me=:)
) else (
   set /A me=SadPanda
echo Check out my AI War strategy guide and find your inner Super Cat!
echo 2592 hours of AI War and counting!
echo Kahuna matata!

Offline crazyroosterman

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I usually listen to  my music of the internet(mainly because finding their albums to buy were I live tends to be a bit difficult and ordering them of the internet is risky) if I like an album enough though I will purchase it.
I also wish I could cut out lyrics out of songs at will because I lot of the time I find that their either 1 annoying 2 i have no idea what their even saying or 3 although this is pretty much regulated to the metal genera that they do that weird thing were they sound like there snarling/have throat cancer which I really hate.
usually I like the instrumental enough to get past those issues though
I typically like to listen to music while playing ccgs since I like to be doing SOMETHING while I'm listening to music.

also here's some more albums 1 of which I don't really listen to any more but I used to adore flesh god apocalypse king stupid name but bloody good album even with the raspy bullshit going holy grail times of pride and peril for once I really dig the vocals of this the singer sound fantastic tyr the lay of thrym bloody good album as far as I'm concerned its my personal favourite and i realy need to re favourite this album and listen to it some time.

edit cant get a full album of king so you'll have to find the full version of it your self if your that interested

and i cant get the link to go to pride and peril at the right time sorry.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 12:43:03 pm by crazyroosterman »

Offline Mánagarmr

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Right at this moment? Malukah - I Follow the Moon.
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Offline Pepisolo

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Seems like a good place to big up this beautiful classical piece by an underrated composer:

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: (music related) what music (if any) are you listening to at the moment?
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2016, 04:34:06 pm »
recently I've been watching a lets play of Alice madness returns and it prompted me to hunt down the soundtrack to its ancestor American McGee's Alice
I particularly love the red queens theme.