I usually listen to my music of the internet(mainly because finding their albums to buy were I live tends to be a bit difficult and ordering them of the internet is risky) if I like an album enough though I will purchase it.
I also wish I could cut out lyrics out of songs at will because I lot of the time I find that their either 1 annoying 2 i have no idea what their even saying or 3 although this is pretty much regulated to the metal genera that they do that weird thing were they sound like there snarling/have throat cancer which I really hate.
usually I like the instrumental enough to get past those issues though
I typically like to listen to music while playing ccgs since I like to be doing SOMETHING while I'm listening to music.
also here's some more albums 1 of which I don't really listen to any more but I used to adore flesh god apocalypse king
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ9nd7zm1MA stupid name but bloody good album even with the raspy bullshit going
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruXGlNr-K30 holy grail times of pride and peril for once I really dig the vocals of this the singer sound fantastic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwN8NLE9sEw tyr the lay of thrym bloody good album as far as I'm concerned its my personal favourite and i realy need to re favourite this album and listen to it some time.
edit cant get a full album of king so you'll have to find the full version of it your self if your that interested
and i cant get the link to go to pride and peril at the right time sorry.