I like most anything.
* Morning jacket's new album is not good. I could not finish it on Rhapsody (yes, I do legal music). I don't really think they play their instruments very well, and they sound like they are wailing.
* Mumford & Sons' new song Tompkins Square Park is the real deal. The rest of the album has some good spots but nothing that sustains the strong mood from that first track.
* Ciara's new album is the typical stuff from her. Meh.
* Modest mouse's new album isn't as good as the old stuff.
* California Nights' "Best Coast" album is hilariously dramatic middle-aged pop. I enjoyed it.
* Electronic music is overloaded right now. Something for everybody. I guess I like electronic music that maintains some kind of cohesive theme and rhythm. Some of this stuff right now has 10 or 11 different diversions going on that you really can't bob your head to it. The whole point of electronic music, for me, is so that when I am programming I can get into my zone and just pound something out. If I need to debug, I switch to Baroque music (which if you don't know, is basically Crusader Kings music… the real stuff!).
* Rap can be good for programming.
* Most Country sucks. Some rich white guy trying to convince me that he's some cowboy from the dusty road that likes his booze and farm women or something. I don't know. It just sounds fake. And if it's just supposed to be storytelling and a soundtrack for the southern experience (or fantasy), I guess I'm not meant to get it. I guess you could say the same thing for a lot of rap, but the beat is better!
I will listen to albums looking for good tracks, but it's rare these days to get an album that is good from front to back. Like Pearl Jam from back in the day, or Dave Matthews' old stuff, or Blues Traveler's "Four."