God, I read that as RON Hubbard, which gave me an entirely different initial impression of this.
That's...quite a different person indeed. xD
while the train is on the rails I might as well ask you how long does it typically take to compose a song?. ps I'm probably misinterpreting this but you 2 girlfriends? if I'm not then all the more power to you but its not a typical thing which is why I'm curious?
It varies wildly in time. A completely original song (not a remix but an own composition) can take anything from days to months depending on how much of the song is already "in place" in my mind. Usually I have a drum loop or a particular melody in mind and I'll start working from there. I'd say on average at least a few weeks in real time, but perhaps A week in actual work hours.
As far as remixes goes it also varies on how popular the particular song is (more other remixes to draw inspiration from, listen to melodies, actual notes etc) and what platform it's from. NES songs are the easiest as the NES can only play 4 channels of sound and each channel is locked to a particular waveform. This makes it extremely easy to export each channel individually for easy listening and analyses. C64 is the worst with only 3 channels, but each channel is individually reprogrammable in real time to play any kind of waveform, and even mixes of waveforms. So you really have to listen to the entire thing at ones and mentally sort out melodies, loops, drums etc in your mind. But in general, most remixes take far less work than an original song as you generally already have a feel for what you're after with it and the melodies are already there.
And as far as the personal note goes: No, you're not misinterpreting. I'm living in what we jokingly call a "casual long distance non-exclusive triad". Me and my girlfriend Nina have lived together earlier for about 7 years or so, and have been a couple for 10 years with a break of about 7-8 months a few years ago. We were both suffering pretty badly from mental issues, but we've gotten better and it was never love that was the problem. Now we're much healthier and we're back together, but we're not living together as we don't want to risk stressing out our healing mental health.
Nina has known Jossu (or Johanna) for a couple of years as they're both digital artists and met in an online community for DA's. Over time, a deep friendship formed and it started growing into something else. I got to know Jossu via Nina and we quickly became friends and there was a subdued attraction there as well. We kinda "clicked". But as I was in a relationship with Nina, I simply set those feelings aside and remained friends.
Nina eventually approached the subject that she was starting to feel "something more" for Jossu, and I admitted that that was the case with me as well. When Jossu was going to visit Nina one summer it all kinda became apparent that we needed to talk about this. Nina didn't feel comfortable living alone with Jossu for two weeks without me, and I didn't feel comfortable with it either after what we'd discussed. So we straight up told Jossu about it and she was delighted as she was having feelings for us as well. So the agreement was that as long as we're together, we're all equals. Jossu is as much my girlfriend as Nina is while we're together.
The problem is that Jossu lives in Finland while we live in Sweden, so we felt it extremely unfair to "lock" her to us after only meeting once (albeit we'd known her for long online) and when she's in another country. So while Nina and I are exclusive to eachother (no other girls/boys allowed), Jossu is not. She doesn't have anyone else and aren't interested, but should someone drop in her lap, she's free to pursue a relationship with them.
We're still hoping will sort out the mess of living apart in two countries with lives of our own somehow, but it's a logistical nightmare. So while it's like this we're trying to make the best of it.
Sorry about the wall of text, but it takes some 'splainin'