Also, you need to be online the first time you go into offline mode. Most people don't try to go in to offline mode unless their connection is out.
This should come as no surprise to anyone, because the main reason to use offline mode in the first place is that you're not online. That's practically tautological in nature, so it's hard to blame anyone for trying to start it in offline mode when they're offline, especially considering that it doesn't really go out of its way to tell you about that, you can't look it up when you can't get online, and even if you could, it wouldn't do you much good to know that at that point.
On the other hand, I haven't used it much, but I myself have never had any problems getting it to work. There are always some people who can't get it to no matter what they do, but on the rare occasions I've needed it to, it just magically worked. One time I even convinced it to continue downloading/installing a game on one computer
while in offline mode, so I could play a different game on my other computer in online mode. I would never have guessed that would be possible, but it was nice that it worked.
*Runs screaming for Best Buy*
I think you've got it backward. You're supposed to run screaming
from Best Buy.
Uh, what was this thread about again? Oh, right, Magicka. Just tried the demo yesterday, and it's a great idea with a kind of clunky interface/controls. Fun enough that a couple people from my AI War group and I are planning on picking it up to play next week, though. It is a little disappointing that the instagib death ray I discovered before the tutorial ended is apparently the strongest spell in the game, but considering that I also discovered that you can reflect it off shields and kill yourself with it, that makes me look forward to being a complete dick to people in multiplayer. Heh.