Author Topic: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter  (Read 11523 times)

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #30 on: October 03, 2012, 10:00:11 pm »
Most of the tech trees I see are really all hand done - Civ's tech tree and warzones in particular.

An example of a very non-linear tech tree might look like the Sword of the Stars tech tree - Their main thing was that each race had a %chance to be able to research up certain trees. For instance, one race has a really low chance to research very far into lasers, but another race would actually have short-cut esque links in their laser tree. Similarly, the non-laser race might have access to a set of missiles that it is really rare for another race to research.
 Lemme dig up a link..
The numbers in the colors are the %chance for that link to be available in a given game with that race (each race is a color,ish)

I actually had great issue with this tech tree, as i dont really like limited options like that in a 4x game, leading to my not liking the game very much.

Also, warzone 2100 is an absolutely amazing game, with a very deep and well thought out campaign, a game I can highly recommend to fans of the rts genre. Be warned though, at times it turns into a VERY harsh tactical warfare game! Be prepared!
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #31 on: October 03, 2012, 10:35:22 pm »
eRe4s3r, I didn't comment on your 4X manifesto because I detected that we wanted very different things from the genre, but I did have one question: why have several layers of abstraction that the game transitions through (which adds tremendous complexity to the project) instead of picking one scale and making the setting fit that?  Does a game of space 4X really have to go from "one planet" to "entire galaxy"?
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Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2012, 11:04:42 pm »
Does a game of space 4X really have to go from "one planet" to "entire galaxy"?
It's called Legend of the Galactic Heroes, not heroes of subsystem skirmish 3a-X (SOTS 2) or heroes of tables and numbers (Distant Worlds).

The answer is as simple as it is bold. A good game has a start, a middle and... an end-game. How many 4x games do you know where you can do something after uniting (or defeating) the galaxy or do something interesting at the beginning? How many 4x games do you know that do not fall completely apart once you push beyond the design specifications of the setting they are placed in... which is usually where things become FUN (Ie, when you are fully developed). How many do you know where you are playing for a greater goal even in a skirmish (*MOO3 is a exception to this!) ... or where you actually have to commit to some long-term consequence choices?

I answer this with none*. It is literally why all 4x games suck.

why have several layers of abstraction that the game transitions through (which adds tremendous complexity to the project) instead of picking one scale and making the setting fit that?

After having played every single 4x game ever made, I can tell you that there is no such thing as fixed scale that's not terrible either at the beginning or the end. (Or mundanely boring because it never offers anything new or even offers so much as an end) or comes to a complete stop at the end-game (Space Empires 4/5.. sorry ,p Is just unplayable once you have several thousand ships)

The abstraction layer system is basically to make combat and empire management work from start to end and to allow a story progression. And an end-game. If you have an idea how to achieve these goals without abstraction layers that change gameplay systems to allow for greater "scale" I would love to hear them ;)

Specifically, I mean that the 4x game I think of has complex gameplay systems that you can and should manage in the 1 to 20 colonies phase (I just made that number up ,p) which become abstracted later on. Ie, you don't manage them yourself any-more. You only specify goals and targets for the AI (Your staff!) to meet.

Or combat is no longer ship vs ship but rather group vs group, with commanders instead of captains, with admirals commanding entire fleets. (Logh PC GAME)

I am not 100% convinced myself that abstracting gameplay systems in harsh cuts is such a smart idea but I have none better. Imo to allow for a progression, you have to abstract certain micro management things the larger an empire gets. Distant Worlds is imo proof of that. You can not play that without literally automating 90% of the game. (A game, in which 50% is already automated to begin with)

To explain short why i think abstraction is needed. A good 4x game is complex and has many systems in the "main phase", but pointless complexity in the end game, is not good. And there is only 1 way to remove it, by removing the complexity, and abstracting it.

In essence in order to make a good 4x game, you simply can not have the same gameplay at the start that you have at the end. If you do, either the start, middle or end of your game is boring ;P (in worst case, all 3)

Especially true for turn based games where your first 20 turns are "waiting for 1 building to finish" where you only have 1 scout 1 defense ships and/or 1 colony ship *cough* .. i wonder who knows what games I mean (That's a problem several of them have) ;p
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 11:20:13 pm by eRe4s3r »
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2012, 10:04:26 am »
It is literally why all 4x games suck.
What this means to me is that you're not trying to make a 4X, you're trying to make a game in "eRe4s3r's new genre based upon 4X because he thinks 4X sucks anyway" :)

Which is fine, creating and synthesizing genres is necessary for "progress" in this field, but since you're (apparently) deeply unhappy even with MoO and MoO2, and I'm not, I don't think we're going to converge on a design or even a concept.

That said, since you asked about an alternative to multiple layers of abstraction:

Conceptually speaking, I think there's some potential in a model where a player's empires has an edge of "new growth", like the leading tip of a new tree branch or whatever.  It helps keep the "effective complexity" the player experiences from increasing linearly (or exponentially) as the game progresses and the player's empire grows.

I felt like SotS (1, didn't get far enough in 2 to see) and Endless Space both party accomplished this: once you colonized a planet/system there was a phase of building up where you made decisions about how to most efficiently develop it and how to make best use of it.  Endless Space made this part more interesting with the population points and more vivid display of the planets and their distinguishing features.

But once a planet/system is "done" (population full, buildings built, etc) you don't have to think about it nearly as much.  I think Endless Space didn't quite accomplish this as every time you researched a new important building you often had to plunk it down on many/all of your planets, which I'm not sure is really worthwhile for the player experience, but anyway.

All that said, I think it is important to have "persistent actors" that you're interested in throughout the game.  Your homeworld, your really-important-industrial/research/whatever planets (I think some system of "sector seat" would be worth looking into here), your admirals/governors, your avatar, your flagship(s).  Mechanics relating to those could encourage ongoing interaction even as the other planets and actors only have their "15 minutes of fame" and then fade into the backdrop of your inexorable march to galactic domination.

The whole "edge of growth" may not be a good idea after all, it's just something that caught my interest in more recent 4X play.  Your concerns also apply to fleets/combat, if I understand correctly, though I think that it's easier to come up with a single combat scale that will work, than a single strategy scale.

Anyway, what exactly are you looking for in terms of scale range?  Starting with 1 planet?  And how many turns on average before colonizing a second one?  And how many planets (or stars, if that's a better measure) in the end-game, and how many turns on average to get there?
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Offline chemical_art

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2012, 10:39:17 am »
Keith I do like your idea of edge of planets, which is probably why I love MoO as my favorite.

The sliders make it so you don't have to individual select units. When a planet starts you'll spike factories and environment and can let it stew till it maxes out, then the game will ask you what you want to do with it, which inevitably makes it a industry or research planet. Keeping a sliver for def to keep its weapons up to date, the player doesn't even have to mess with the planet with research to env or industry since you can just tell the game to upgrade all your planets when relevant.

It allows the player to save dozens of clicks for each planet, so the biggest issue of "management time increases with empire size" for me with 4x is avoided. It's not perfect of course, you can't select individually what defenses you get for example, so it was essential the game didn't provide many options on your upgrades.
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2012, 10:56:12 am »
MoO I think did a good job at avoiding bog-down, which is my primary problem with the genre.  Nowadays I'd even play it if I could come to terms with the old interface.

What I'd like it to do better is make me care about the planets more than "just sliders" does.  I'd also like a combat scale that includes some individual ships to care about, even if it's just swarms of ships like before with special hero flagships thrown in the middle.

But yea, that game is honestly a lot closer to I want than... basically any other space-4X out there.
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Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2012, 11:30:03 am »

Anyway, what exactly are you looking for in terms of scale range?  Starting with 1 planet?  And how many turns on average before colonizing a second one?  And how many planets (or stars, if that's a better measure) in the end-game, and how many turns on average to get there?

I actually want in terms of range of scale something like this
# Start -> Homeworld, first FTL drive, public opinion towards expansion
# Colonizing the first planets in the sol system is thus the first stage, decisions you make here define your core system, how people view space exploration, implements the race diversity triggers. Once you expand to other stars they will have to be colonies and thus, the system should change, you no longer handle minute detail of your 4th or 5th colony.

It shifts to galactic empire expansion now .. all stars on the map are free-game.. there doesn't have to be a limit of stars, but it'd need to be at least 300  ;P

The last shift of scale is for the end-game. You don't build ships in particular shipyards, they are build everywhere and arrive in fleets automatically. Redesign costs go through the roof (you want to change this design you build 60k ships of?). The focus is absolutely on YOU vs WHOEVER ELSE IS LEFT vs the END GAME TREAT (Which is an optional, randomly chosen galaxy plot). A plot that actually makes all that empire prowess you build up matter. And a plot you can LOSE (or tackle with your allies together).

Winning the end-game treat gives you unique things for your persistence system ;P
Winning can sometimes just mean being friendly with everyone (your mid-game choices are taken into account) or being only one left.

Essentially, yes.. I want 1 planet with colonies to 60 controlled star-systems in one game ;p

And no no... I don't think MOO2 sucked, it was just inferior to Ascendancy ;P I just think all those 4x wanna be's lately suck. SOTS1 has the same problem in the end-game (well, it doesn't have any, but even if it did, it'd be a terrible mess).

I don't mind having "eRe4s3r's take on the 4x genre" to be honest. As long as others input their own ideas as well.

Your idea how to prevent abstraction nearly sounds like an entire different take on how empires expand... mhh... that may be well worth to think about ;P

It's true that we could forget abstraction layers if you coded a changing interface (fun fact, no 4x game has changing interface to accomodate for shifts in scale...)

The example you gave with building upgrades is imo a perfect example (And why I think all these games suck) Imagine this, you are empire of a 500 colony empire, have thousands of ships, can blast planets away. But if you research the fancy tradeport extension BLUB you have not the pleasure of either manually putting it on planets everywhere or use some form of colony manager (The only one where I even understood what I was doing was funnily in Star Ruler). The governor / planet classification system in that was a good idea.


Something else that bugs me is that games like Space Empires or really, any 4x game. You build ships locally, you can automate the building part (in SOTS2 this means you now have to manually create fleets... in worst case half a dozen of them). But if you have hundreds of vessels built it now becomes a cluster-frack of micro management. What I envision with abstraction is that only your first and second fleet are handled this way, later on "Your fleets become worthy of your size" fleets consist of dozens or hundreds of vessels. You assign construction directly to fleet and where and who builts what is abstracted (Admiral / Governor traits play into this) and Admirals like or complain to you if you forget reinforcing THEIR fleet. Again, this could even include loyalty and rebellious attitudes.

IN a sense, this is something Total War Shogun 2 started (You build "to" an army" however, because they couldn't have magically units appearing it was still a pain in the backside..)

If I had to put my game idea to 1 sentence it'd be "Total War in Galactic Space" ;p

Also, my 4x game will never be turn based like that. (It will have turns to advance production) but movement during turn is done via movement points/action points. Like Total War. This is also why I am unsure whether MP is possible or not. And this is also where the border/DMZ system comes from. IN a real-time within turn movement system areas of force projection need to be relatively stable.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 02:21:42 pm by eRe4s3r »
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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2012, 07:28:13 am »
You have realy nice conversation here about 4x genre ;) Or plans are simple: go back to MoO2 put there our ideas and create something new based on MoO2 spirit. We are almost at $50.000, so we think that we will create M.O.R.E, and... you will have opportunity to check it, do you like it or no ;)

We want to create now core of our game, and then we  will add more features in future DLC.
( idea about RPG style emperor who can fight on a ship is... NICE :) )

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2012, 09:38:48 am »
You have realy nice conversation here about 4x genre ;) Or plans are simple: go back to MoO2 put there our ideas and create something new based on MoO2 spirit. We are almost at $50.000, so we think that we will create M.O.R.E, and... you will have opportunity to check it, do you like it or no ;)

We want to create now core of our game, and then we  will add more features in future DLC.
( idea about RPG style emperor who can fight on a ship is... NICE :) )

Our conversation wasn't aimed at you guys. We just have long winded conversations like that. Glad you got some ideas out of it though. :)

Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2012, 10:50:30 am »
This forum should seriously be appointed the official forums for Train Simulator 2013: The Derail. Because we simply CANNOT stay on topic. :P

On a sidenote, this project has me intrigued. I shall delve into it!
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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2012, 10:56:31 am »
I applaud the brave souls who funded this after the Legends of Pegasus fiasco...i guess.
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2012, 11:19:18 am »
I applaud the brave souls who funded this after the Legends of Pegasus fiasco...i guess.
Well, you can either give up on the genre, or not :)
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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2012, 11:20:39 am »
It's not giving up if you buy it after it is made.
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Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2012, 11:22:17 am »
It's quite amusing though how many absolutely awful 4X games have been released over the years. I was a fan of Space Empires 4 and 5, but they did, as mentioned before, really drag on in the late game. MoO2 was probably the one I have fondest memories of. Since then? Meh. Civ never appealed to me, even if it's pretty much 4X.
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Re: M.O.R.E. - 4x turn-based space strategy on Kickstarter
« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2012, 11:31:24 am »
It's not giving up if you buy it after it is made.
Oh, now I see what you mean, yea.
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